East Farleigh Parish Council are aware of a water leak on Forge Lane, East Farleigh. This is ongoing and has been reported several times to SE Water.
EFPC have today taken further action:
- Water Leak at North View Cotts, Forge Lane Report (Ref 3562533):-Telephone conversation today 06/09/2022 Clerk to EFPC & Rachael (Customer Service Advisor) tel: 0333 000 0001
SE Water commented:
“SE Water are aware of the problem and it is on the list for contractors to sort out. They are experiencing a high volume of reports and priority cases are being sorted first ie homes without water etc)”
Note: Their representative has taken a note of EFPC’s very serious concerns and noted the Clerk’s contact details.
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2 thoughts on “SE Water Leak”
Please deal with your leaks , it shouldn’t be down to us to stop using water when you have leaks everywhere
Dear Sherie Haines
Thank you for taking the time to post a comment on the EFPC website. Unfortunately, it is down to SE Water to mend any water leaks and not the Parish Council. However, please be assured that when EFPC are notified of problems in the village (whether it is water leaks, pot holes, overgrown vegetation etc) the Clerk always chases up with the relevant authority to get matters dealt with as promptly as possible. However, residents are always welcome to make their own reports to the relevant authorities which, in turn, will add “Clout” to the EFPC comments.
If you do wish to make your own reports on matters, please see the notice on our website issued to residents with information on where and to whom certain issues may be reported https://eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk/2022/07/14/public-information-notice/