The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 6th September 2022 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), David Hussein (DH), Adam Palmer (AP), Barry Older (BO),
Gina Ashcroft (GA)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), no members of the press or public.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Steve Shearman, Cllr Simon Webb. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.
The Clerk was recording the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.
Cllr AF: Lobbying for use of EFPC Village Car Park.
Members AGREED that discussions relating to Cllr resignations be “in camera” to protect confidentiality.
78.2 It was proposed by Cllr AF and seconded by Cllrs DH & BO, and agreed, that specific tasks be appointed to volunteers/parishioners reporting direct to/and on behalf of EFPC as follows; –
- To monitor and report on works carried out by Pearsons regarding their scheduled and contracted works – Glyn Charlton.
- To monitor and supervise Speedwatch Scheme & Police Speed Check Scheme (Op Scarecrow) – Peter Beasley, as previously.
- It was proposed, seconded, and agreed, that Cllr AF will ask JW if he would kindly continue in an advisory role to EFPC regarding planning matters.
Action: Cllr AF
56.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
56.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the agenda: None.
- PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
80.1 To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 22/504117/FULL 9 Court Lodge Cottages: Erection of a front & rear entrance porch including installation of a garden lamp post. EFPC recommend approval.
- 22/502981/SUB Little Adelaide Farm, Lower Road: Submission of details pursuant to Conditions 2 (boundary treatments), 3 (landscaping) and 5 (biodiversity/enhancements) for planning permission 20/502090/FULL (see decision below).
80.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 22/502981/SUB Little Adelaide Farm – Application permitted.
- 22/502899/FULL 1 Vicarage Lane – Application refused.
- 22/501688/FULL Lower Gallants, Lower Road – Application permitted.
- 22/501332/SUB Map Business Centre, Lower Road – Application permitted.
- APP/U2235/W/21/3288641 Land at Linden Farm Barn, Stockett Lane – Appeal dismissed.
80.3 To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues: None.
80.4 Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- 22/504065/LAWPRO The Old Rose Garden Dean Street – it was agreed that EFPC are not in favour of the structure being used as a separate independent dwelling and refer the case officer to the EFPC comments submitted in response to the associated application Ref. No: 21/505679/FULL – It was unanimously agreed that EFPC recommend approval with conditions as follows; (a) That, no applications or future works designate the building & annex as two separate buildings. (b) Sustainability be considered.
- 22/504159/SUB Hazeldene Nursery Dean Street – EFPC considered the Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 of application 19/500469/FULL and agreed EFPC are happy to leave the decision to discretion of the case officer.
- VOL Ref: OK2053705 Bagged Aggregates, Lower Gallants, Lower Road – Application Refused.
Action: Cllr AF/HWG
81.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc.) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk: None. However, Cllr AF is booked to go on the KALC Playground Inspection course and disseminate information to the rest of the Cllrs and Car Park Attendant/grounds man.
81.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Water Leak Forge Lane: This was reported several times and the Clerk telephoned SE Water with EFPC and residents serious concerns. SE Water have taken note and are trying to get contractors to the site.
- EF Lock/Bridge: Dangerous activity during the very hot weather was reported. Youths were seen to be jumping from the bridge, lock and gantry. The matter was reported to the police.
- Inconsiderate parking: This was reported to KCC Highways. HWG will put the matter on the agenda for their next meeting.
81.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the agenda;
- Cllr John Wilson’s resignation was accepted for the reasons given. All agreed it is a sad loss for EFPC considering JW’s wealth of knowledge and experience.
- Correspondence from Cllr Simon Webb: It was agreed that EFPC wish to discuss this further with Cllr SW before giving an opinion/recommendation. It was agreed that EFPC wish Cllr SW to provide more info on the “KCC uplift in Council Tax” and what ramifications this will have on Borough services and residents.
Action: Cllr SW/Cllr AF/ALL/Clerk
82.1 Ratify ALL August 2022 payments (no August Meeting)
(i) Payments made since the last meeting (5th July 2022);
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 57
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 39
(Includes Zoom monthly subs/ 123 Reg subs/bank charge)
- SO Clerks Salary July 2022 £ 00
- SO Car Park Attendants Salary July 2022 £ 20
- ICO (Data Protection annual renewal fee) £ 00
The following BACS transfer payments were authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking by 2 signatories:
082201 Pearsons Maintenance Contract £ 1830.36
082202 Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses July 2022 £ 335.24
(Please note: Clerk’s pay scale yearly increases to Spinal Column 11 from 1st July 2022)
082203 L Owen Time Sheet July 2022 £ 269.20
082204 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup £ 76.42
082205 Commercial Services (quarterly grounds Maint. £ 318.65 082206 Npower Street Lighting Quarterly Apr-Jun (Bridge light) £ 19.98
082207 David Buckett – Internal Auditor (Inv Y/E 2021-22) £ 416.20
(ii) Financial Statements Updated Financial Statements will be presented at the EFPC monthly meeting on Tuesday 6th September 2022.
(iii) Any Other Financial Matters: None
82.2 September 2022
(i) To ratify payments made since August 2022:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 76
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 37
(Includes Zoom monthly subs/ 123 Reg subs/bank charge)
- SO Clerks Salary August 2022 £ 00
- SO Car Park Attendants Salary August 2022 £ 20
The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking by 2 signatories: (Cllrs DH & AP)
06092201 Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses August 2022 £ 407.10
06092202 L Owen Time Sheet August 2022 £ 294.10
06092203 Old School Hall – Yearly meeting bookings £ 360.00
06092204 Complete Weed Control (Invicta Weeds) £ 318.00
06092205 Wicksteed (Play Equipment) £ 477.84
06092206 SLCC Annual Subscription £ 171.00
06092207 AcuIT Monthly back-up & maintenance £ 76.42
06092208 Pearsons Monthly contract, litter pick & play area £ 1,830.36
Late Invoice 06092209 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd £ 26.52
Late Invoice 06092210 PKF Littlejohn (External Auditors) £ 360.00
(ii) Financial Statements
To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 29th August 2022 which represents the state of play at the end of week 21, 2022/23
(iii) Any Other Financial Matters:
- Annual Play Area Inspection (Vicarage Lane) in line with Came&Co (Insurers) policy @ £72.95 pa – Approved.
- FINAL Internal Audit Report and note query responses – received and noted.
- Note: Audit Report page 7: FCFS Threshold – Cash put into UK banks or building societies – that are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority – is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS deposit protection limit is £85,000 per authorised firm.
- To receive the External Auditor’s (PKF Littlejohn) Conclusion of Audit
- DEFIBRILLATORS: It was reported that The Circuit had received notification of the Defibs being used on 23rd & 28th July. However, Cllrs DH & AP checked them, and it seems that all is in order.
- TRAINING; Ongoing. Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming events. If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.
Action: ALL
- FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.
86.1 Car Park: No update.
Action: Cllr SS
86.2 Recreation Ground: No Update
Action: Cllr SS
86.3 Play Area: Cllr GA circulated a quote from Kompan. However, it was agreed that the Playforce quote offered more in terms of value for money. It was agreed that EFPC should investigate other funding opportunities: Cllr GA will contact MBC to source “Match Funding”, Cllr AF will approach County & Borough Cllrs and ALL to source other forms of financing the new/refurbished play area ie Lottery funding.
It was further agreed that the Public Consultation should be prepared regarding this matter in preparation for publishing.
Action: Cllr GA/Cllr AF/ALL
- Other Matters
- Deferred until next meeting: Cllr SS to report back on KCC/School Governors re car park, new gate between the school and Rec Grnd, refurbishing/moving of goal posts on Rec Grnd and “Keep Clear” signs on access lane/gate.
- Recreation Ground Charity Trustees: It was proposed by Cllr AP, seconded and, unanimously agreed by those present, that Cllrs GA & AF be appointed as new EFPC named Trustees and that Cllr SS will remain a Trustee. The Clerk is to prepare the formal paperwork for the Charities Commission.
Action: Clerk
- To receive the monthly worksheets.
88.1 Highways Working Group (HWG):
(i) The HWG gave a verbal report that the Public Highways Consultation items were in progress, but the “School” sign obscured by hedges has not yet been moved. The HWG will find out who the new KCC Highways contact is and progress this along with other HIP matters.
(ii) It was proposed, seconded, and agreed that a Councillor should head up the HWG and voted that Cllr DH take on that role, take Meeting notes and implement a dedicated day/time to hold future regular meeting to free up other HWG members to concentrate on progressing highways matters.
Action: HWG
- Highways: Other Matters:
- The Parish Fault Report was received.
- Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.
- SPEEDWATCH/OPERATION SCARECROW: Update received from PB. No new Speedwatch team and dates were noted for the next “operation Scarecrow” deployment.
- PUBLIC FOOT PATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW): nothing to report.
- FETE COMMITTEE: Cllr AP reported that the next item for the Fete Committee to organise is “Carols Round the Christmas Tree”.
- REMEMBRANCE DAY: Sunday 13th November 2022. The Clerk will liaise with Church Warden, George Moore, and order the normal EFPC Wreath. It was agreed to defer the allocation of reading the “Roll of Honor” names until the next meeting.
- COMMUNICATIONS: It was agreed that the Clerk will publicise as much as possible to get more people to subscribe to the EFPC website for updates, local news and current information and follow EFPC on Facebook.
- ABSENCES: To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
- DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING; It was proposed that the next meeting be deferred to Tuesday 11th October at 7pm in the Old School Hall to allow Borough/County Cllrs to attend and then continue the 2nd Tuesday of each month. If this proves inconvenient, the date will remain TUESDAY 4TH OCTOBER 2022.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.