The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th October 2021 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)( Chair), John Wilson (JW), David Hussein (DH), Adam Palmer (AP), Angela Howe (AH), Barry Older (BO)
4 members of the public were present. There were no press representatives.
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk) MBC Cllr Richard Webb (RW), Gina Ashcroft (GA)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Simon Webb and Cllr Steve Shearman. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Members AGREED that item 120.3 should be conducted confidentially at the end of the meeting.
- The Parish Councillors accepted the resignation of the Chairman because of personal circumstances and acknowledged that Cllr JW wishes to remain a Councillor.
- Nominations were received for the office of Chair to EFPC and it was unanimously AGREED that Cllr AF will take the role of Chair.
- It was AGREED that as there are already FOUR bank signatories, that the new Chair is not required to be added to the UTB signatories list.
- Nominations were received for the office of Vice-Chair to EFPC and, with Cllr Steve Shearman’s prior agreement, it was unanimously AGREED that Cllr SS) will take the role of Vice Chair.
118.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
118.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda: None.
- PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
- To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 21/504618/FULL Hydeaway Lower Road; It was AGREED that EFPC cannot comment on the current application as there are anomalies, as follows:-
- Site visit: Q – Can the site be seen from a public footpath or public road? A – No
EFPC are of the opinion that the site can be seen from a public footpath or public road.
- Q – Has applicant sought advice on this application? A – Yes
However, the officer’s name is blank and so no recall can be made to the advice given.
- The application is for a sun lounge, however, there is an Enforcement issue regards an item under investigation which does NOT appear on the plan.
- A previous application reference (21/270274) does NOT refer to Hydeaway, Lower Road.
It was AGREED that once official clarification is obtained from MBC Planning, EFPC may wish to make further comment.
- 21/504954/FULL Land at Linden Farm Barn Stockett Lane: ; It was unanimously agreed to OBJECT on the grounds as previous comments: Supporting Coxheath Parish Council in their OBJECTION and on the grounds of Narrow Lanes, drainage (It is noted that this issue has now been addressed), cumulative development, coalescence and open countryside.
Comment: Coxheath Parish Council – having considered this application, wish to register an objection to the proposed development. The Parish Council concur with objection raised by KCC Drainage. The PC is also concerned that the loss of the pond which serves a highways drainage function could results in additional flooding to the highway. The PC also objects on the grounds that the development sits outside the Village Envelope. Maidstone Borough Local Plan SP17 refers that “Development in the countryside will retain the separation of individual settlements” this proposed development does not fulfill the criteria. Further this development was not identified in the MBC Local Plan. The Parish Council would ask that if the Planning Officer is minded to approve that this application is called to the Planning Committee.
It was agreed that East Farleigh Parish Council recommend REFUSAL.
- 21/504542/FULL Domus Corrodian Priory Close – duplicate added in error
119.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 21/503699/FULL Greenway Dean Street – GRANTED
- To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcements issues:
119.4 Any other planning matters, including late planning applications: None.
120.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- The Clerk reported attending two on-line events 1. KALC Clerks’ Annual Conference and, 2. RBS Rialtas training on Budget preparation. Cllr BO reported attending the “Vision Zero” on-line event.
120.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- It was reported that a vehicle constantly parked by the EF Bridge on Station Hill is proving to be an obstruction and reduces visibility of traffic coming across the bridge. HWG will investigate.
Action: HWG
120.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda;
- Old School Hall – It was unanimously AGREED that this matter will be discussed after the meeting and in confidence.
- Hybrid Meetings – It was reported that KALC are continuing their meetings via Zoom for practical reasons and because they as an organisation have that option. Parish Councils have been directed by Government that their future meetings must be in person. It was agreed that Zoom or other similar channels which offer audience participation would not be a practical proposition.
- Gina Ashcroft (GA) gave a brief resumé. It was Proposed, Seconded and unanimously AGREED that GA be Co-opted to the EF Parish Council. Cllr GA signed and read out her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
122.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 51
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 39
(includes Zoom subs/monthly Bank Charge)
- SO Clerks Salary September 2021 £ 00
- SO Car Park Attendants Salary September 2021 £ 00
122.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories following the meeting (This month Cllrs AP/JW):
05102101 Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses September 2021 £ 333.61
05102102 L Owen Time Sheet September 2021 £ 235.14
05102103 HMRC Qrtly Employers NIC Conts. (Jul/Aug/Sep) £ 124.80
05102104 Pearsons – monthly contract/works £ 1652.69
05102105 Pearsons – Memorial Rose Bush planting £ 210.00
05102106 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup £ 69.90
05102107 Complete Weed Control £ 302.10
122.3 Financial Statements
- To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 26th September 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 25, 2020/21
122.4 Any Other Financial Matters:
- EFPC approved expenditure for Perspex door on AED Defib – £95 plus £6.63 shipping plus VAT
= Total £121.96
- Insurance Schedule – The Clerk will investigate addition of Mowers & associated equipment.
Action: Clerk
- CIL monies –to consider Infrastructure Spend Plan – Cllr AH agreed to look into the payment and scheduling of CIL.
Action: Cllr AH
- Budget 2022-2033 Defer until November meeting.
Action: Clerk
- EFPC noted: VAT Claim – 6 months to 30th Sept 2021 submitted
- DEFIBRILLATORS; Nothing further to report.
Cllr RW will chase as EFPC have still not received any current data.
Action: MBC Cllr RW
- TRAINING; Ongoing.
- Cllr AF requested to be added to any future training, if any, for the role of Chair to Parish Councils.
- FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod); Update not required. Report from David Goff noted. Cllr DH will respond.
Action: Cllr DH
127.1 Car Park
- Update Car Park Attendant’s Contract of Employment – deferred to next meeting.
Action: Cllrs SS
- It was AGREED that Cllr AP will re-read the “Hedge Cutting Agreement” and act accordingly within the constraints of the said agreement.
Action: Cllr AP
- Rec Ground:
- It was AGREED that, dependent upon the wording/constraints of the legal “Hedge Cutting” document, Pearsons be ask to quote on the hedge cutting as this is deemed too high for the CPA to do safely.
Action: Cllr AP/SS
- The Charities Commission Annual Report was presented to the Parish Council and noted that this has been copied to the Trustees and will be submitted to the Charities Commission by the deadline of 31st October 2021.
- Play Area; It was reported that the bench needs repair. Cllr AP agreed to affect a repair to make It was further AGREED that Cllr GA will take on the role of monthly playground checks and submit a monthly report to Council.
- Monitoring – it was reported that a simple weekly job schedule has been received from Pearsons and it was unanimously agreed that this is more useful and will be adopted.
- Contract Renewal – The Clerk is to ask other companies to Tender for the EFPC village maintenance and ground works contract.
Action: Clerk
129.1 Highways Working Group (HWG):
- The Monthly Report and the new HIP was received. Cllr AF reported on the meeting with Highways and subsequent agreed action/s. It was AGREED that the Traffic Calming Scheme would not be renewed this year (ie refreshing the ‘red’ road markings). It was further AGREED that the budgeted monies should be utilised for other traffic management schemes/projects (ie pre-school crossing, further police speed checks etc).
- It was reported that the recent speed surveys resulted in the 30mph speed limit being warranted on Gallants Lane, Vicarage Lane and Forge Lane. Highways will draw up the scheme by Christmas and include in KCC Highways budget for 2022. Highways want a Village Consultation to support this scheme. Highways will propose the form of consultation back to council and the location/timing of the Dean Street survey.
Action: HWG
129.2 Lorry Watch; ongoing.
Action: Cllr AF
129.3 Highways: Other Matters, if any.
- “Turn Off Engine” signs for waiting traffic (Station Hill) – deferred to next meeting. Cllr AF will ask KCC Highways what cost for 2 signs.
Action: Cllr AF
129.4 Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); update – Nothing to report.
- Monthly Report and “Operation Scarecrow” – Report received and nothing Further to report.
Action: Peter Beasley
- PUBLIC FOOT PATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW) – Highways confirmed that one footpath (KM39/KM338) had been missed off the list and this has now been rectified. Nothing further to report.
- REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Sunday 14th November 2021 @ 10.45am
- The Clerk has ordered the usual Poppy Wreath to be laid at the Memorial. Councillors are encouraged to attend the Memorial Service. Councillors will decide who will read the Role of Honour at the Service – deferred until next meeting (2nd November). Clerk will circulate the list.
Action: Clerk
- Cllr RW reported that the Church Warden, George Moore, will take the Remembrance Day Service at the Memorial.
Action: Cllr RW/ALL/Clerk
- COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc);
- Bullet Point Summary for publication (Grapevine, Downsmail etc) – it was AGREED that the points raised at EFPC monthly meetings which are of interest to the village/parishioners should be BRIEF bullet points and not a copy of the DRAFT minutes.
Action: Clerk
- Community Resilience/Emergency Plans Questionnaire – Cllr JW responded, no further comment.
- Queen’s Platinum celebrations – Queen’s Green Canopy. It was AGREED that Cllr AF will investigate applying for the grant and report back to Council.
Action: Cllr AP/Clerk
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm