
November 2022 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on December 15, 2022


The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,

Maidstone  ME16 9ND

T: 07999 414712


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st November 2022 @ 7.00pm

In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh

Present:                Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), Adam Palmer (AP), Barry Older (BO), David Hussein (DH), Gina Ashcroft (GA), Deborah Abbott (DA)

In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), 2 members of the public & no members of the press.

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Steve Shearman (SS), Cllr Simon Webb (SA), Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid (LPR), PCSO Nicola Morris, KCC Community Wardens. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.

The Clerk was recording the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.


Members agreed that no items require this and is not relevant.

  1. CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORS & related matters:
  • There was one person in attendance who is interested in becoming a Council member. The Clerk provided information and paperwork.

Action:  Clerk


                 125.1      The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

                 125.2      Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the agenda:  None.

  1. PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal
    • To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
  • 22/504900/FULL Pear Tree Cottage 9 New Villas Forge Lane – Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension. EFPC recommend approval.
  • 22/504893/LBC & 22/504898/FULL Bridge House, Station Hill – replacement window in lean to extension. Replacement beam to east elevation and installation of new gate. EFPC recommend approval in line with the LBC but subject to checks by KCC Highways given the new access point onto Station Hill could cause road safety issues and, as this entrance is not currently in use.
  • 22/502358/SUB Horseshoes Riding School – Discharge of conditions. EFPC considered this application in some depth at the meeting.

EFPC Originally (22/5000036/FULL) commented “This application was considered at East                                                                         Farleigh Parish Council planning meeting on Tuesday 4th February 2020. The Parish Council agreed that this                                 Application be APPROVED in principle but with CONDITIONS: Namely that; consideration be made to                                            sustainability & energy issues (ie rain water harvest, soakaways & solar panels) etc. and environmental                                                  enhancement. Further, that there will be no increase in the number of large vehicles using the narrow village                                 lanes and no significant traffic increase on narrow village lanes that already incur traffic problems”

However, EFPC now believe that the building/s is extensive & EFPC will recommend that Enforcement be           involved to make sure that the building is not bigger than the original plan and, that it’s use will be as per         approved application.

126.2     To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting

  • 22/503015/SUB Bridge Works Farleigh Bridge – Submission of details pertaining to 22/505876/LBC – Application Permitted.



  • To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:  
  • As above – EFPC request that Enforcement investigates the building works at Horseshoes Riding School.

Action:  Clerk

126.4      Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:

  • MBC Design & Sustainability Development Plan Document Regulation 18 Consultation

It was agreed that DH will formulate a response on behalf of EFPC to submit as requested.  Further, it was agreed that Councillors can submit individual comments as residents.

Action:  DH

  • Late notification: 22/504920/LAWPRO Glen Lodge Priory Close – Erection of outbuilding to rear garden. EFPC agreed that they wish to hold comment until they know the outcome of the LAWPRO and will consider consultee comment if it goes to full planning.

                 127.1      To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc.) attended on behalf of the Council, including                            the Clerk:  Nothing to report.

                 127.2      To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:  

  • Horseshoes Riding School – see item 126.1 above.

                 127.3      Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in                               the agenda;

  • ID/Lanyards for Councillors: It was unanimously agreed that Councillors wish to have some form of ID when carrying out EFPC duties around the village.  The Clerk will source ID tags & lanyards Councillors (plus spares) and as agreed, produce a laminated label/ID tag to contain EFPC logo and name, plus possibly an expiry date.

Action:  Clerk


128.1      To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

  • Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £      29
  • Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card)                  £    37
  • (Includes Zoom subs/123.Reg subs/Training course/monthly fee)
  • Annual Insurance premium                                                   £1,613.38
  • PWLB (Car Park & Traffic Calming)                  £2,379.40
  • SO Clerks Salary October 2022                                                   £    00
  • SO Car Park Attendants Salary October 2022 £    20

Note: It was unanimously agreed that the Zoom account is no longer needed, and Councillors requested that the Clerk cancel the monthly subscription

128.2      The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking

                                   by 2 signatories following the meeting (this month DH & AP);

01112202                Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses October 2022                         £    357.95

01112201                L Owen Time Sheet October 2022                                                                   £    332.00

01112203                AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup                                    £       76.42 £78.56 (clerk error)                            01112204                Pearsons Monthly Invoice                                                                    £ 1,830.36

01112205                NetWise Inv#2659 Hosting, Support & Maintenance                     £     396.00

01112206                Npower Street Lighting                                                                        £       18.60

01112207                KC Playing Fields Assoc. Annual Subscription                         £       22.00 £20.00(clerk error)

01112208                Viking Office Supplies        (A4 Econ Paper)                                            £       29.94

01112209                Viking Office Supplies                 (Document wallets)                             £       15.23

01112210                Viking Office Supplies        (A4 80gsm Paper)                        £       36.42

Late Invoice:         01112211                Landscape Services Qrtly Grounds Maint. Rec Grnd                   £    182.09

Late Invoice:         01112212                Clerk’s Expenses – Printer Cartridges (Amazon)                           £       59.26

                 128.3      Financial Statements

Financial Statements for the period up to 26th October 2022 were received which represent the state of play at the end of week 29, 2022/23




  • Any Other Financial Matters:
  • Budget 2023/2024 First DRAFT:
  • The first DRAFT of Annual Budget 2023/2024 was approved in principle and Councillors agreed unanimously (one abstention) that the Precept should be frozen this year.
  • Earmarking the excess reserves eg for the Rec or roads or play area refurbishment, rather than reducing the precept at this stage, must be considered and agreed at the next meeting.
  • Council needs to consider the adequacy of the budget and the reserves issues ahead of budget discussions next month and finalisation of the precept the month after. It was requested that any questions/comments should be put in an email and sent to the Clerk to answer at the next meeting.
  • Noted: Kent Community Foundation grant application REF: OGA380038 for EFPC Play area refurbishment was unsuccessful
  • Any late notified matters:
  • Defer decision on whether EFPC need to approve funds to further advertise the Clerk/RFO vacancy. It was decided to wait and see what response comes from the Website and social media. This matter will be taken forward to the next meeting.

Action:  ALL/Clerk


                 It was reported that the batteries will need changing in December and DH confirmed that backups are available.

Action:  DH

  1. TRAINING; Ongoing.
  • Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming   If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.
  • It was recommended that EFPC engage the Pi Company to provide a playground inspection course for the CPA and Councillor/s to attend. The Clerk is to ask West Farleigh if they wish to make this a joint venture and seek a suitable venue for the “class work” aspect of the course.  The Clerk will also ask the WFPC Clerk if there are any procedural issues that are mandatory in relation to the refurbishing of a public playground as they have recently completed a similar project.

Action:  Clerk/ALL

  1. FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.

132.1      Car Park:  It was requested that the Clerk order another load of aggregate and ask the Car Park Attendant (CPA) to regularly rake over the existing areas.  Also, to remind the CPA to keep the concrete area at the gate entrance swept.  It was further recommended that any problems with the car park, playground or rec ground should be reported directly to the Clerk, who will inform Councillors as necessary.

                 The Clerk confirmed that the problem with fungi growth has been dealt with by Complete Weed Control (Invicta Weeds) who do the regular weed spray on the car park.

                 Action:  Clerk

132.2      Recreation Ground: Nothing to report.

132.3      Play Area:

(i)            It was noted that the surface under the “Igloo” is in urgent need of repair.  BO will obtain a quote                  for urgent action.

(ii)           The final version of the Public Consultation was agreed and is to go “live” via EFPC Website and    social media.  It was agreed that depending upon the online response, Councillors will consider a            leaflet drop at the next meeting.  It was further agreed that the estimated project cost will be in the          region of £33,000.

Action:  BO/SS/GA

                 132.4      Other Matters:

  • The Clerk is to chase the Pi company for the date of the Annual Play Area Inspection.

Action:  Clerk

  • To receive the monthly worksheets.


  • Clerk & volunteer, Glyn Charlton, will meet with Pearsons on 3rd November to establish lines of communication. Further, to ask Pearsons to include regular cleaning of the defibrillator red box at the top of Gallants Lane.

Action:  Clerk/GC

  1.         HIGHWAYS

134.1      Highways Working Group (HWG):

The report was received, and no questions raised.  It was confirmed that a meeting with Highways has been arranged to discuss the HIP (Highways Improvement Plan).

Action:  HWG

                 134.2      Highways: Other Matters:

  • The Parish Fault Report was received.
  • Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.
  • It was agreed that AP will order a plastic replacement roadside traffic mirror for the junction at The Bull Inn at a cost of approx. £60 and fit, if possible.

Action:  AP          

  • The report was received from Peter Beasley as follows;

                 Operation Scarecrow

11 x Tickets issued, mainly Dean Street/2 x Advisories/Ticketed speeds were: 42MPH, 42MPH, 41MPH, 41MPH, 47MPH, 43MPH, 41MPH, 46MPH, 48MPH, 44MPH, 42MPH

                 SID’ movements

SID deployed at the Station Hill site moved to Dean Street site to monitor traffic travelling North/SID deployed at Farleigh Club Lower Road site moved to the Kilnbridge Close Lower Road site monitoring traffic travelling West.

  • Councillors were happy with the results of the scheme, and it was proposed & seconded, and agreed that Operation Scarecrow should continue for the next three months. The Clerk is to request a cost breakdown from PB ie estimated annual cost, average cost per deployment etc and take back to the December meeting.

Action:  PB/Clerk

  1. PUBLIC FOOT PATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW): nothing to report.
  • The suggested dates for Carols Around the Christmas Tree are either 4th or 11th AP will chase Church Warden for confirmation.  It was confirmed that the existing Xmas lights will be reused and that there will be activities & snacks for any children attending.  The Fete Committee will make arrangements.
  • It was agreed that AP will provide a suitable advertisement for the Clerk to put on the EFPC website and social media.

Action:  AP/Clerk

  • Sunday 13th November 2022 at 10.30am at the War Memorial, EF Parish Church, Lower Road/Station Hill, led by George Moore who confirmed that tea, coffee & biscuits will be available in the church afterwards. It was confirmed that the Clerk has the poppy wreath and will bring extra copies of the “Roll of Honour”.

Action:  Clerk/ALL

  1. COMMUNICATIONS: Nothing to report.

                 A letter received by the Clerk was circulated to Councillors.  However, as this is an anonymous letter, the Clerk cannot respond to the residents’ concerns.

  1. ABSENCES: To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.

                 Tuesday 6th December 2022 @7pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road,


The meeting closed at 9.40pm