The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)( Chair), Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice Chair), John Wilson (JW), David Hussein (DH), Adam Palmer (AP), Angela Howe (AH), Barry Older (BO), Gina Ashcroft (GA)
3 members of the public were present. There were no press representatives.
In attendance:Desiree Home (Clerk)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Simon Webb. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllr SS – East Farleigh Primary School and Pre-School
Cllr AF – Little Pitchford, Dean Street Late Planning Application received (21/505680/SUB Discharge Conditions)
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
142.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
142.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda: None.
PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
- To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 21/505451/FULL Drummond Workhouse Lane : It was unanimously AGREED to recommend APPROVAL
- 21/505234/FULL 2 Chapel Place Dean Street: It was unanimously AGREED to recommend APPROVAL
- 21/505497/FULL Sundowner Charlton Lane West Farleigh: It was unanimously AGREED to support West Farleigh PC in their comments/recommendations.
- To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting: None.
- Outstanding Enforcement Issues (2 Mays Cottages/OSH/Adelaide Cottages): It was AGREED that Cllr AF & the Clerk will contact MBC Cllrs Richard Webb & Lottie Parfitt-Reid to ascertain the relevant Enforcement Officers names and contacts in order that EFPC may chase outstanding Enforcement issues.
Action: Cllr AF/Clerk
143.4 Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- It was voted and unanimously AGREED that Cllr JW will be the nominated Cllr to oversee/co-ordinate matters regards planning issues.
- Late planning application: 21/505680/SUB Little Pitchford, Dean Street – EFPC AGREED with one abstention, to APPROVE the Submission of Details to Discharge Conditions. NOTE: Cllr Alex Fullwood declared an interest and did not comment on this application nor had any influence on EFPC’s decision.
- 21/504618 Hydeaway: It was confirmed that no clarification has been received from MBC regards EFPC submitted queries. EFPC AGREED to defer making further comments until there is clarification from MBC regards planning and enforcement issues. It was AGREED that the Clerk will find out who is the responsible MBC Planning Officer assigned to this application.
Action: Clerk
- Domus Corrodian: It was reported that the clerk responded accordingly to an urgent enquiry from the Planning Officer regards EFPC comments, with approval of EFPC, to the effect that EFPC did not wish this matter to go to MBC Planning Committee.
- LPR SP7 &LPR SP(A): Cllr JW gave a brief precis of the consultation paper. It was unanimously AGREED that EF should NOT be listed as a larger village and not be open to take more development. It was AGREED that Cllr JW will draft a response and take forward to next meeting. Clerk will add this to the next meeting’s Agenda.
Action: Cllr JW/.Clerk
- Town & Country Planning Association: Cllr JW is already an independent member and will report relevant information back to Council.
Action: Cllr JW
144.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- Cllr SS attended a Planning Seminar and will share info/slides with other Cllrs. Cllr SS recommended this seminar for all Cllrs who have not had planning training.
144.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Footpath EF Primary School/Vicarage Lane: EFPC requested that the resident raising the issue email the Clerk and then the issue will be added to the Agenda for the next meeting.
- Commercial Sign on The Triangle: It was stated that EFPC own The Triangle and the signage policy is that no commercial/personal signage should be placed at this location. It was AGREED that Cllr AF/Clerk will send a letter to The Bull Inn to remove their sign.
Action: Cllr AF/Clerk
- Station Hill parking: It was stated that there are no legal parking restrictions at the bottom of Station Hill and the van parked at this location is not illegally parked.
144.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda;
- Updated Keylist: The Clerk asked for Cllrs to report on what keys are held. Cllr SS is to liaise with the Clerk and update key holder list (including any keys held by EF School & contractors).
Action: Cllr SS/Clerk
- Queens Green Canopy: It was AGREED that this be added to the Agenda for the next meeting. Cllr AF also reported receiving 100 FREE saplings to plant in the village under the Queen’s Green Canopy grant process. It was further AGREED that EFPC will plan an “tree planting “event to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee/Queen’s Green Canopy.
It was further reported that Beacons will be lit on 2nd June 2022 to mark the occasion and EFPC recommended that local Scouts/Brownies and other village groups be encouraged to take part in this special event. Cllr AH is to investigate further and report back to the next meeting.
Action: Cllr AF/AH/Clerk/ALL
- Fete Committee/Xmas Tree: It was AGREED that the Fete Committee should go ahead and make arrangements for the village Xmas Tree/Xmas celebrations (carols & refreshments) as usual/previous years. It was AGREED to add Fete Committee/Xmas to the next meeting Agenda. Cllr AP and the Fete Committee will seek support from EF Parish Church.
Action: Cllr AP
145.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 17
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 39
(includes Zoom subs/monthly Bank Charge/SLCC Clerks training/
Annual Clerks Conference/Cllrs Intro to Planning webinar – Cllr SS)
- SO Clerks Salary October 2021 £ 00
- SO Car Park Attendants Salary October 2021 £ 00
- PWLB (Car Park & Traffic Calming Loans) £ 2379.40
145.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories following the meeting: (Authorisation this month: Cllrs SS & AP)
02112101 Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses October 2021 £ 363.43
02112102 L Owen Time Sheet October 2021 £ 261.45
02112103 Remote Training Session (Rialtas Accounts software) £ 240.00
02112104 Complete Weed Control (application 3 of 3) £ 302.10
02112105 E-on Street Lighting quarterly charge £ 15.58
02112107 Pearsons – monthly contract/works £ 1652.69
02112108 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup £ 69.90
02112109 Commercial Services (Rec Grnd mowing) £ 350.16
Note: The following invoice was not approved, pending further information on data clarification from MBC
02112106 MBC Diffusion Tubes Jan to Dec 2021 £ 627.24
Take forward to next meeting.
145.3 Financial Statements
- To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 24th October 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 29, 2020/21
Query: Line 4025 Insurance expenditure year to date – over budget. Clerk to investigate.
Action: Clerk
145.4 Any Other Financial Matters:
- Budget 2022-2023 First Draft & accompanying notes (incl Highways Budget Notes): It was AGREED that The Clerk may enlist help from Perry O’Callaghan to put together 2nd Draft and include more detailed notes to Cllrs. EFPC AGREED that £5000 should continue to be added to EMR and speed checks will continue so a budget for this is required.
Action: Clerk
- CIL update: It was AGREED that Cllrs AH and DH will investigate spending CIL monies on updating the play area and other issues such as replacement of the mirror on the corner of Vicarage Lane and future replacement of the EF Bridge sign.
Action: Cllrs AH/DH/AF
- Insurance – to approve additional cost regards Grounds Work Equipment: It was unanimously AGREED to add the ground works equipment to the EF Insurance Policy.
Action: Clerk
146.DEFIBRILLATORS: Cllr DH reported that the repair to the OSH defib has been done. Nothing else to report.
- DIFUSSION TUBES: (See item 145.2 above).
Action: Clerk
- TRAINING; Ongoing.
- FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report. Cllrs are asked to be aware of alerts as the winter months are upon us.
- Car Park: It was reported that the car park is in good repair and Cllrs SS & AP will meet with the Car Park Attendant and report back at next meeting.
- Rec Ground: It was reported that the hedge has been cut and all is in order.
- Play Area: There was no Playground Report this month and Cllr GA will prepare a report for the next meeting. Updated MBC report and report from Pearsons re repairs carried forward to next meeting. It was further AGREED that the Clerk will ask other PC’s who they employ to maintain their play areas and, in the meantime, Cllrs GA & AP will attend to urgent safety issues.
Action: Cllr GA/AP/Clerk
- Monitoring: Update – chase Pearsons on report of weekly works carried out.
Action: Clerk
- Contract Renewal: Pearsons quote for Contract renewal and any other tenders to be submitted deferred to next meeting.
152.1 Highways Working Group (HWG):
- The HWG monthly report was received. It was AGREED that there will be leaflet drop prepared by the HWG regards Public Consultation on reduced speed limits on certain roads as per discussed at the HWG meeting with KCC Highways. HWG will co-ordinate the public consultation.
Action: Cllr BO & POC/HWG
- It was AGREED that Cllr DH will follow up on the white lines and repair of iron work following road resurfacing in the village.
Action: Cllr DH
- It was AGREED that Cllr AF will obtain further information from KCC Highways (Jennie Watson) regards the addition of “Turn off Engine” signs on Station Hill.
Action: Cllr AF
- Lorry Watch: Nothing to report.
152.3 Highways: Other Matters, if any.
- It was suggested that the Highways Report be reinstated. The Clerk will send copy for Councillors consideration. Deferred to next meeting.
Action: Clerk/ALL
152.4 Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); update – Nothing to report.
- Monthly Report and “Operation Scarecrow”: Report received. It was unanimously AGREED to approve budget for continuation of Operation Scarecrow.
- REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Sunday 14th November 2021 @ 10.45am: The Clerk will circulate information and Roll of Honour to read out at the service. The Clerk reported that the EFPC usual Poppy Wreath has been received.
- COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc);
- It was AGREED to ask the Editor of “The Grapevine” if there can be a limited number of paper copies produced for parishioners to pick up from a designated place as not all residents have access to on-line copies. It was further AGREED to see if EFPC FB can post onto other pages/groups FB page/s.
Action: Clerk
- Reg Server storage space – It was agreed that the Clerk is to instruct 123.Reg to increase the email storage for clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk from 5GB to 25GB.
Action: Clerk
- KALC call for Case Studies for the Climate Change Conference. No comments.
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Tuesday 7th December 2021 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road
The meeting closed at 9.15pm