
March 2022 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on April 7, 2022


The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,

Maidstone  ME16 9ND

T: 07999 414712


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st March 2022 @ 7.00pm

In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh

Present:              Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice Chair), Gina Ashcroft (GA), Angela Howe (AH), David Hussein  (DH), Barry Older (BO),  Adam Palmer (AP) John Wilson (JW)

In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), Glyn Charlton (Rec Grnd Trustee)

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Simon Webb (SW), Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid (LPR), PCSO Nicola Morris.       Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.

The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.


               Cllr SS: EF Primary School & EF Pre-school/EF Rec Grnd

               Cllr AF: lobbied re Dean Street HGV’s


Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.


               231.1    The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record with one amendment:

  • Page 4, Item 220: It should be noted that Peter Beasley is relinquishing his role as Speedwatch

Co-ordinator but not “Operation Scarecrow”.

               231.2    Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda: None

  1. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – Tuesday 29th March 2022 @7.30pm;
  • The Agenda was amended and agreed. This is to reflect the new COVID guidelines and, the Clerk will republish the amended Agenda.
  • As COVID restrictions have been lifted, it was agreed that refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. The Clerk will chase up on invited village organisations/representatives/local clubs.

Action: Clerk

233        PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal

233.1    To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;

  • 22/500609/FULL Stables at rear of 2 Mays Cottages – Erection of car shelter with hay store (retrospective).

EFPC considered this retrospective application and it was unanimously agreed, with one                                           abstention, that EFPC can see no planning policy  reason to object to this application

  • 22/500610/FULL 2 Mays Cottages – Change of use of land from paddock to residential garden (retrospective). EFPC considered this retrospective application and It was unanimously agreed, with one abstention, that EFPC can see no planning policy reason to object to this application
  • 22/500447/FULL Homelands Dean Street – Erection of first floor side extension.

EFPC considered this application and recommend approval.

233.2    To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:

  • 21/500703/HEDGE Court Lodge Farm – No objection
  • 21/505652/FULL Lilium Workhouse Lane – Granted
  • 21/506075/FULL Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley Lane – Granted
  • 21/504422/FULL Gallants House Lower Road – Granted
  • 21/506169/TCA The Limes Lower Road – No objection.
  • APP/U2235/W/21/3271239 Domus Corrodian Priory Close – Appeal dismissed.

233.3    To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:

  • The report from MBC Planning Enforcement was circulated.
  • Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
  • Golding Homes – to note copy email for info. As previously agreed, EFPC cannot comment until            any actual planning application is received.
  • To Note: 15/503455/TPO Cherry Lodge – Refused

               234.1    To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including                the Clerk:

  • Cllr AH circulated notes from the Dynamic Councillor Training and recommended to other EF Parish Councillors. Cllr GA is already signed up for this on-line training.
  • Cllr JW attended a meeting regards the new Ward Boundaries. The proposed ward changes were noted.

               234.2    To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:  None

               234.3    Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in                  the Agenda; None.


235.1    To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

  • Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £     11
  • Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £   56
  • (includes Zoom subs/Training invoices/123.Reg/SLCC discount/monthly Bank Charge)
  • SO Clerks Salary February 2022 £   00
  • SO Car Park Attendants Salary February 2022 £   00
  • 01032201 Pearsons January 2022 invoice               £1,830.36

235.2    The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking

 by 2 signatories following the meeting: (Authorisation this month: Cllrs SS & JW)

01032202            Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses February 2022                    £   279.50

01032203            L Owen Time Sheet February 2022                                        £   231.24

01032204            AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup                             £     73.25

01032205            Pearsons Monthly Invoice                                                         £1,830.36

235.3    Financial Statements

  • To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 22nd February 2022 which represent the state of play at the end of week 46, 2021/22.
    • Any Other Financial Matters:

    Agree/Approve Section 137 Donations (as per previous year’s charitable donations);

01032206            Farleighs WI Section                                                                   £100.00

01032207            First East Farleigh Brownies                                                   £100.00

01032208            Kent Air Ambulance                                                                    £100.00

01032209            Porchlight                                                                                      £100.00

01032210            East Farleigh Pre-school                                                                     £100.00

01032211            West Farleigh Youth Football Club                                         £100.00

01032212            Dandelion Time                                                                           £100.00

01032213            HoKH                                                                                              £100.00

01032214            Kenward Trust                                                                             £  50.00

01032215            Blackthorn Trust                                                                         £  50.00

  • Agenda Item 246: Samaritans (Maidstone & Weald) donation request APPROVED £100.00.
  • Quote from Complete Weed Control (car park weed prevention) APPROVED;

              3 Applications per year @ £265.00 = £795.00 plus VAT = Grand Total £954.00

  • Noted: the PSS Grant (MBC Parish Services Scheme);

                                             2021/22 Grant total = £2,946                                

                                             2022/23 Grant total = £3,015 (this represents a change v 21/22 of 2%)

  • It was AGREED that as there is a budget for maintenance of new bins that were granted by MBC (code 4401) then, EFPC should chase installation of the bins not yet installed. The Clerk is to speak to POC who was dealing with this matte prior to stepping down as Cllr.

Action: Clerk

  1. DEFIBRILLATORS: Cllr DH reported that the required repair to the casing on the Gallants Lane Defib had     been done.
  2. TRAINING; Ongoing.  Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming              events.  If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.

               Cllr AF requested a ticket for the KALC Annual Conference Meeting.

               It was recommended that all Cllrs undertake the Dynamic Councillor course if they haven’t done so   already.

Action:  ALL

  1. FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Only one Flood Alert received this winter so far.  It was confirmed that Pearsons is contracted to keep gullies and drains clear.
    • Car Park: Nothing to report except that the Car Park Attendant has laid some stones.
    • Rec Ground: It was requested that Landscape Services bring forward the first cut of the season. Otherwise, all good. The Clerk will make arrangements.
    • Play Area: It was noted that the Bench has been fixed. Weekly checks have revealed no                further H&S hazards.

     Cllr GA is awaiting further quotes for playground equipment.  The “life” of the play equipment and               a way forward was discussed at length.  A schedule of the number of “village” & “school”          children who use the play area was presented in a report from Cllr GA.  It was Proposed, Seconded,       and Agreed (one abstention) that the Play Area is revamped, resurfaced and add some new        equipment.       

     Deferred to next meeting.  Trustees to be kept informed and recommend obtain East Farleigh              residents/villagers opinions.

            Action: Cllr GA/CLERK/ALL

  • Monitoring: Only Contractors Worksheets received.  Clerk is to remind Pearsons that the weekly EFPC reports on Car Park/Rec Grnd/Play Area are contracted to be completed weekly.

Action: Clerk


               241.1    Highways Working Group (HWG):

  • Cllr AF reported lobbying regards HGV’s on Dean Street. A HWG meeting is scheduled to “brainstorm” ideas to try and alleviate the situation.
  • Public Consultation: It was Agreed that the Chairwoman’s report and Consultation papers be printed and hand delivered

Action:  ALL

  • Highways: Other Matters:
  • The Parish Fault Report was received.
  • It was noted that following resurfacing of Lower Road, the scheme markings have been restored..
  • Cllr DH/KKC Highways have deemed only one new “Turn Off Engines” sign is feasible just before EF bridge at the bottom of Station Hill by the Horsewash. KCC Highways will carry out the work.
    • Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.

Action: HWG

  • It was reported that Peter Beasley (PB) has relinquished his role as Co-ordinator and a new Co-ordinator is now required to hold equipment, collect data and manage a team of volunteers. The equipment will be stored with Cllr AF for now.  The Clerk is to publish the urgent need for volunteers (Social Media, Website, local Grapevine etc).  It was further reported that East Farleigh was a pilot area for “Speedwatch” and one of the first in Kent so it would be a real shame to lose this scheme.
  • It was further noted that Peter Beasley will continue to coordinate the Police Check scheme and noted the planned future dates.

Action: Clerk/AF/PB

  1. PUBLIC FOOT PATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW): Nothing to report.
  • Cllr AP will be holding a meeting with the Head Teacher of EF Primary School to discuss their involvement.
  • It is anticipated that the event will gain the same support as the previous annual Village Fetes – The Old School Samba Band has already agreed to perform at the event and possibly, Blues Bros Little Brother.
  • It was agreed that the event will be publicized in early March via Website, notice boards, social media etc and ask for volunteers to come forward and attend the next planning meeting. The time/date was agreed – Saturday 4th June 2022 at 1pm – 5pm.
  • It was further agreed that at the Saturday event, there should be symbolic planting of the saplings (maybe Rec Ground?) and allow villagers to take saplings to plant – with the notice about the Queen’s Green Canopy requirements.

Action: ALL

  1. COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc); Nothing to report. However, it was agreed that the Clerk will re-   publish the public consultation and Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events to remind the village.

Action: Clerk

  • WI Event: Entertainer’s publicity request – it was Agreed that the Clerk will reply with similar response as was sent regards recent publicity signs. It was agreed that EFPC will adhere to the EFPC Publicity Policy with regards not supporting “advertising for profit” events.
  • Downs Mail: EFPC agreed that the Parish Council will not take a regular half page in the publication but are likely to use Downs Mail for advertising future public events ie Queen’s Platinum Jubilee village event.
  • Maidstone Samaritans donation request – approved (see item 235.4).
  • The Clerk has received correspondence from EF Social Club regards the archived EFPC files. These need to be sorted, shredded if necessary and alternative storage found.  It was agreed that the Clerk should investigate firms who can be hired to deal with destroying old files and sensitive material – maybe consider scanning and electronic storage.
  • Email received from parishioner regards lack of reply and speed on Gallants Lane. It was noted that this matter was raised with KCC Highways and Cllr BA will make contact with the resident and explain what has been done.  Cllr AF will draft a formal EFPC reply.

Action: Cllr AF/Clerk


    To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.  Cllr AF offered apologies for next meeting which            will be Chaired by Cllr SS.


               Tuesday 5th April 2022 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.


The meeting closed at 9.00pm