The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd February 2021 @ 7.15pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 965 1035 7-78
Present: Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC)(Chair); Peter Beasley (PB); Perry O’Callaghan (POC); Alan White (AW);
Lloyd Porter (LP); David Hussein (DH); Brian Dorton (BD); Alex Fullwood (AF);
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk)
Prior to the Meeting commencing, the Chairman requested a minute’s silence in remembrance of dedicated village postman, Paul Dunmill, a much loved and respected member of the community. Also, in remembrance of Capt. Tom Moore, a national hero.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllrs LP & AW were recording.
Cllrs GC & PB – JBLC & EFRG
Cllr AW – JBLC
Cllr LP – FB & Traffic Calming & lobbying re: EF Vicarage Lane Play Area
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
230 REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (See EFPC Planning Committee Minutes February 2021)
- • To consider the following planning applications:
6 Applications received: 20/506161/FULL Follys End; 21/500030/FULL Oaklands; 21/500247/FULL The View; 21/500327/FULL MAP Lower Road; 21/500270/FULL Videons Station Hill; 20/506064/FULL Culls Farm
- • To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
20/500349/FULL Cuckoo Farm Wilsons Lane GRANTED.
- • To receive notification of any enforcement issues since the last meeting:
2 Mays Cottages; Ongoing.
- • Other Planning:
21/500265/NMAMD Woodlands Dean Street; APP/U2235/W/20/3263917 Appeal Land North of Pleasant Valley Lane; 21/500349/PNQCLA Homelands Farm Dean Street East Farleigh Parish Council Minutes Parish Council Meeting February 2021 Page 2
- • LPR Matters: None.
232 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 12th January 2021.
232.1 The Minutes of the meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
232.2 Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda: None.
233.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- • Clerk and Cllr POC attended RBS training on Rialtas software. Cllr POC reported on quotes for additional help from the Rialtas Support Team, particularly Year End.
233.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- • Residents emails regards speeding – see item 211 Highways
- • EF Primary School requested footpath clearance to allow access via main school gate.
In the past, highways were consulted on this matter and it was deemed unsafe to encourage or allow pedestrians to use the vehicle entrance and, therefore, EFPC are unable to make further comments and cannot approve this request.
Clerk to reply accordingly.
Action: Clerk
- • Litter/Fly Tipping: A resident has reported via email that he is doing litter picking. Clerk to write and thank the resident for what he has done. It was further unanimously agreed that Hadlums be given the go-ahead for some signs to indicate rubbish clearance has taken place and, thanking people for taking their rubbish home. EFPC approved 5 x A3 signs at a cost of £20 each.
Action: Clerk
233.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- • In remembrance of Paul Dunmill, it was unanimously AGREED that EFPC should make a donation on behalf of the Village to the charity of the family’s choice. Several Councillors have already made personal donations via the “Just Giving” website.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- • Parish Council funding of Police overtime for enforcement of speeding & width restrictions. It was unanimously agreed that this should be investigated and actioned as appropriate.
Action: Cllr PB/Clerk
- • It was noted that Elections (6th May 2021) have not been delayed (yet). It was agreed to hold this in abeyance until next meeting whilst awaiting further Government recommendations. In the meantime, the Clerk is to prepare notices for notice boards, website, FB and Nextdoor calling for people to step forward for election.
Action: ALL/ Clerk
- • Held over until next Meeting pending advice.
236.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
Standing Order Clerk’s Salary January 2020 £ 600.00
Standing Order Car Park Attendant’s Salary January 2020 £ 136.00
Direct Debit Lloyds Multipay Credit card £ 114.35 includes: Zoom monthly charge/Ashridge Nurseries/Monthly bank charge East Farleigh Parish Council Minutes Parish Council Meeting February 2021 Page 3
Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 81.52
236.2 To resolve that cheques and BACS transfers presented this month be authorised and signed:
02022101 Clerks Salary & Expenses December 2020 £ 384.40 02022102 L Owen November Time Sheet £ 113.36
02022103 Pearsons Maintenance contract £ 1652.69
02022104 AcuIT Maintenance & Backup £ 69.90
02022105 Rialtas Training (RBS software) POC/Clerk £ 240.00
02022106 Cllr DH Expenses (software package Adobe/convert £ 21.14
PDF’s for new Website)
02022107 Viking Office Supplies (New year diary for the Clerk) £ 8.02
02022108 Viking Office Supplies (general: staples/clips/tags/ £ 30.98
Clear pockets)
236.3 To receive the financial statements for the period up to 24th January 2021. These represent the state of play at the end of Week 42, 2020-21
236.4 Any other financial matters
- • RBS/Rialtas software new multi-user Licence and Year End quote: It was agreed to accept the quote for the multi-user Licence on the Rialtas software and further, agreed to accept the quote for the Rialtas Year End support.
- • Proposed PSS Grant 2021/2022: It was noted that there is a 2% increase.
- • Update, if required; Clerk to chase for Government/PHE advice for usage under the COVID restrictions. Initial advice is the “saving of life overrides COVID restrictions”.
- • Gallants Lane Defibrillator box needs cleaning, Cllr POC will get Pearsons action this and Cllr PB will check the School Hall defibrillator.
Action: Cllr POC/PB
- • No report has yet been received – Clerk to chase.
Action: Clerk
- • Ongoing: Cllr AF would like to attend the KALC Planning event. There is also an “Introduction to Chairmanship” which would be useful. All Cllrs should check emails and let the Clerk know of any training event they would like to attend.
Action: ALL
- • Update: There have been 1st stage Flood Warnings issued, but no properties flooded and no action needed.
- • Cllr DH reported on the building of the new Website. Cllr GC to find out from Cllr Paulina Stockell who would be a good contact to lobby for more help from Cantium. Ongoing.
- • The next meeting EFPC must approve the Accessibility Statement.
Action: Cllr DH/GC
242.1 Update on car park:
- • Hedge Cutting: It was reported that the Land Owner wishes there to be a new agreement drawn up between himself and the Parish Council to the effect that, the hedge is allowed to grow to a
East Farleigh Parish Council Minutes Parish Council Meeting February 2021 Page 4
- height of about 2mtrs whereby the landowner will keep his side and the top cut and the Parish Council will keep the car park side trimmed.
Cllr GC/Clerk to draft an agreement (with a proviso that the Landowner keeps to the agreement & list consequences of not adhering to the “Agreement”) to be circulated to council and approved at the next meeting.
- • It was agreed to order another load of aggregate for the car park. 242.2 Update on Rec Ground: None.
- 242.3 Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane:
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- • The Clerk is to check that Pearsons reports are being received regularly and that the Playground Inspections are being done. All Inspection Sheets should be checked to make sure works are carried out as per contract.
- • It was Agreed to ask Pearsons to deal with all the repairs as per the playground report.
Action: Clerk/Cllr GC
243.1 Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan:
- • It was reported that KCC Highways have not responded to issues reported at the meeting between Cllrs and Highways. It was agreed that the road surface in particular has not lasted the expected lifespan and that the white lining needs attention: Cllr GC will approach Cllr Paulina Stockell to arrange a high profile meeting, particularly with Jennie Watson – Cllr POC has agreed to a socially distanced on site meeting with Highways.
- • Village footpaths: It was reported that the outgrowth/mud across pavements has not been cleared. Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid to be asked to investigate further.
- • It was reported that some ragstone wall has fallen onto the footpath on Lower Road. It was agreed to contact The Cambridge Trust who own the land.
- • It was agreed to report damaged verges at the top of Gallants lane/Victoria Court where builders’ vehicles have driven onto the verge, firstly to the landowner and to Highways if no response.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- • Maintenance reports were received. Cllrs were asked to look at the MBC Parish Fault Report and use this for monthly meetings instead of the current format.
Action: ALL
243.2 Speedwatch Update:
- • Still on hold because of Covid restrictions. Police speed enforcement is being sought (see item 233.3 above)
243.3 Highways: Other Matters:
- • EF Primary School footpath request (see item 233.2 above): respond to correspondence.
- • Speeding issues raised by residents: Reply to residents.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
244 FOOTPATHS – Update, if any: None
245 OLD SCHOOL HALL – Update, if any: None
- • Regards the Flood issue, the playgroup is up and running
246 FETE – Update, if any: None.
247 CORRESPONDENCE: East Farleigh Parish Council Minutes Parish Council Meeting February 2021 Page 5
- • As per item 243.3, speeding issues.
- • To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
- • Tuesday 2nd March 2021 @ 7.15pm after the Planning Committee Meeting (Venue or on-line to be advised)
Meeting closed at 9.15pm