The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st June 2021 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road within COVID safe Guidelines pertaining to “Business and Activities”
and via Zoom, Meeting ID: 084454
Present: Cllrs John Wilson (JW)(Chair); David Hussein (DH); Adam Palmer (AP); Steve Shearman (SS);
Barry Older (BO); Angela Howe (AH)
No members of the public and no members of the press were present.
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk); Cllr Simon Webb
Via Zoom; Peter Beasley (PB)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr AF; Cllr Richard Webb– apologies accepted.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
- Cllr Steve Shearman declared an association with EF Pre-School & Rec Grnd Trustee
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
34.1 The Minutes of the Annual Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
34.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- Cllr DH wished it noted that the planting of a rose bush in memory of Postman Paul Dunmill had not yet been resolved and the resident concerned was asking if the Parish Council had made a decision. It was AGREED that, on this occasion, Pearsons would be instructed to collect the rose bush from the resident and plant it in the agreed location. Pearsons would then maintain this within their regular remit/contract on behalf of EFPC. It was further agreed that this should not set a precedent for future requests.
Action: Clerk
- The suggestion regards further “Turn off Engines when stationery” on Station Hill had not been addressed. Cllr DH will look into the possibility of additional signage.
Action: Cllr DH
- Supplies of sanitiser still need to be purchased for the Flood Pod.
Action: Clerk/Cllr DH
- Kilnbridge parking problem needs to be followed up. It was AGREED that the new PCSO should be contacted and asked if the police would investigate the matter.
Action: Clerk
- 6 Adelaide Cottages: This needs to be followed up as it was AGREED that Parish Councillors are not happy with MBC Planning response.
Action: Clerk
- It was AGREED that on future Agendas, COMMUNICATIONS will be a separate item and that the OSH ongoing item regards enforcement, will be dealt with under the heading of “Planning – Enforcement”.
Action: Clerk
35.1 To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting; None.
35.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 21/501745/LAWPRO Videons Station Hill; APPROVED
- 21/501058/TCA The Covers Lower Road; NO OBJECTION RAISED
35.3 To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcements issues:
- 21/500386 Land Adj Willow Wood Vicarage Lane; MBC reported – No building has or will take place on this site. MBC closed the case. Still to Action: contact MBC planning officer regards original planning application for a riding school.
Action: Clerk
35.4 Any other planning matters, including late planning applications: None.
- Footpaths: It was AGREED that Cllrs should look at the footpaths that need checking and volunteer to monitor those footpaths near to their address and report back to the Clerk. It was AGREED to carry this forward to the next meeting.
Action: ALL
- Car Park/Rec Ground; It was AGREED that Cllr SS and Cllr AP will be responsible for monitoring the Car Park and Rec Grnd. Cllrs SS and AP will liaise with PB regards storage of equipment. It was AGREED that the Clerk is to be the liaison between the Car Park Attendant and Councillors.
Action: Cllrs SS & AP/Clerk
- Defibrillators: It was AGREED that Cllr DH will check (weekly)and report on the Defibrillators. When Cllr DH is away, this is to be delegated to another Councillor – take forward to next meeting (2 defibrillators one at the OSH and one in a adopted phone box at the top of Gallants Lane).
Action: Clerk/Cllr DH
- Pearsons: It was AGREED that Cllr SS will do random checks on Pearsons contracted works to ensure that they are completing the works according to contract. It was AGREED that the Clerk will continue to be the liaison between EFPC and Pearsons.
Action: Cllr SS
- Flood Plan: It was AGREED that the Clerk will update the Flood Plan and the Flood Wardens will be Cllr JW, Cllr DH and Perry O’Callaghan.
- It was AGREED that there will not be a Communications Working Party and that COMMUNICATIONS will be a separate heading on future Agendas.
- Highways: It was AGREED that a HIGHWAYS WORKING GROUP is to be set up, comprising; Cllr AF, Cllr DH, Cllr BO and Perry O’Callaghan. The Working Group will deal with all Highways matters. The Clerk is to look at Terms of Reference for the new working Party.
Action: Cllr JW/Cllr AF/Cllr DH/Cllr BO/Perry O’Callaghan/Clerk
- Speedwatch: Peter Beasley will continue to look after Speedwatch, including the SID’s and “Operation Scarecrow”. PB will set up another meeting with PC James Williams and report back at the next meeting.
PB is further to investigate and report back on the cost so far – it was AGREED to take this forward to the next meeting and at that point to decide on whether EFPC wish to create an EMR for this scheme.
37.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- Cllr AH reported that she is now has a “log in” for KALC and is able to view all training events.
- Cllr JW reported being elected KALC Maidstone representative on the Maidstone Joint Transportation Board and the KALC/MBC Borough Council Liaison Group. There was nothing further to report.
37.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners: None.
37.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda;
- Cllr JW wished to welcome Cllr Simon Webb to the meeting and thanked him for attending. There was nothing further to report at this stage.
Note: Cllr SW left the meeting.
- Cllr JW reported that there are large lorries coming through the village to Boughton Monchelsea to a site that appears to be a “land-fill site” and as such, are transporting waste material through the village. The lorries are also going over Teston Bridge and Cllrs feel this is probably above the weight/width restrictions. It was AGREED that Cllr JW and the Clerk should make further enquiries and contact National Heritage over these vehicles using a listed bridge.
Action: Cllr JW/Clerk
- Appointment of separate RFO; Cllr JW proposed that a part-time RFO be employed to ease the burden at key points in the year (ie year end, month end) and do a few hours a month. The proposal was seconded and AGREED by ALL. Cllr JW and Clerk to advertise position and arrange interviews. It was further AGREED that the Council are happy for the Clerk/RFO to seek help from POC in managing the accounts.
38.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 28
38.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories (DH & PB) following the meeting:
01062101 Clerks Salary & Expenses May 2021 £ 433.99
01062102 L Owen March Time Sheet May 2021 £ 149.52
01062103 Pearsons Maintenance contract £ 1652.69
01062104 AcuIT Maintenance & Backup £ 69.90
01062105 Viking – COVID sanitising supplies £ 77.29
01062106 RBS Rialtas Year End support £ 672.00
01062107 Pearsons Playground Repairs £ 828.00
Note: The Clerk Confirmed that, at the moment, Cllrs JW and DH are signatories along with Peter Beasley and Glyn Charlton so that there are four signatories. It was AGREED that once Cllr AP and Cllr SS are added as signatories on the UTB accounts, the Clerk will complete the relevant paperwork to remove GC and PB.
38.3 Financial Statements for the period up to 25th May 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 07, 2020/21 were copied to all Councillors.
- Any Other Financial Matters:
- Council’s Accounts for year ended 2020/2021 were AGREED and signed by Cllr JW (Chairman).
- Section 1 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020/2021 was AGREED and signed by Cllr JW (Chairman).
- Section 2 Accounting Statements of the AGAR 2020/2021 was AGREED and signed by Cllr JW (Chairman).
- Deferred from last meeting: If the new Council decide to continue with the police scheme, then a Policing EMR should be created. It was further agreed to meet the cost of the scheme to-date and the scheduled police works as planned – already discussed Item 36. Take forward to next meeting.
- It was reported that the phone box housing one of the defibrillators in in need of cleaning. It was AGREED that the Clerk should contact Pearsons re cleaning of the phone box.
Action: Clerk
- No information received. Clerk to chase urgently for data report.
- Ongoing
- New Councillors were encouraged to log in to the KALC website and check training links. Cllr AH confirmed she is looking at booking a “Planning” training session.
- FLOOD PLAN: As discussed, Item 36.
43.1 Update on car park: No update and as discussed Item 36. It was agreed that the Clerk will forward relevant reports/meeting notes/Car Park Attendant contract to Cllr SS. The situation regards Aggregate was also confirmed.
Note: PB left the meeting.
43.2 Update on Rec Ground: No update and carry forward to next meeting. It was confirmed that the existing Trustees for the Rec Ground Charity are still in place (Cllr Steve Shearman, Peter Beasley, Glyn Charlton).
43.3 Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane:
- It was noted that EFPC gave approval for Pearsons to carry out playground repairs and these are still to be done (EFPC meeting 6th April 2021 Item 309.4 Finance). However, an email dated 28th May 2021 was circulated regards the “Spring Elephant” repairs. It was AGREED to go with “Option 2” to remove the gaitor. Pearsons to be instructed.
- It was confirmed that Pearsons’ Contract is reviewed Annually and have to submit quotes for extra works to be done. It was AGREED that in future any remedial extra works should be subject to 2 other quotes alongside Pearsons.
Action: Clerk
44.1 Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan:
- It was AGREED to set up a Highways Working Group (HWG) – see Agenda Item 36. It was further AGREED that the new Working Group will produce a report, including action points, on a monthly basis to be reviewed at the EFPC monthly meetings.
Action: HWG
44.2 Highways Other Matters:
- Village Pavements: No further information.
- Lorry Watch: No report available.
Action: Cllr AF
- Traffic Calming: Cllr AH was concerned as to why EF was refused “rumble strips”. It is recommended that any questions/ideas are put forward to the Highways Working Party for consideration.
Action: ALL
- Cllr AH reported crumbling along the sides of some roads/lanes in the village. It was AGREED that all who notice such matters should initially use the KCC Highways portal to report faults and, then to inform the Highways Working Party and Clerk.
Action: ALL
44.3 Speedwatch: Already discussed, see Agenda Item 36, above.
Action: PB
- FOOTPATHS: As discussed, Agenda Item 36.
- OLD SCHOOL HALL – Update, if any. Any building issues to be discussed under “Planning”. It was AGREED that there is no requirement for a separate Agenda item.
- KCC Members’ Bus Shelter Grant was considered but it was AGREED that there is not much need for bus shelters in the village and it was noted that this is a “Match Funding” Scheme (50/50).
- A resident noted that the land at Hamlet Wood (down the side of Stockett Lane) is being coppiced and are disturbing wildlife and nesting birds. It was AGREED that this should be reported to the relevant authorities regards local wildlife.
Action: Clerk
- Information has been received regards Electric Car Charging points in local areas. Cllr JW will attend the seminar and further investigate this matter.
Action: Cllr JW
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Cllr DH offered apologies for absence at the next meeting – apologies accepted.
Tuesday 6th July 2021 @ 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road
Meeting closed at 8.45pm