The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th July 2021 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road within COVID safe Guidelines pertaining to “Business and Activities”
and via Zoom, Meeting ID: 914 9912 6225
Present: Cllrs John Wilson (JW)(Chair); Alex Fullwood (AF)(Vice Chair); Adam Palmer (AP); Steve Shearman (SS);
Angela Howe (AH)
One member of the public was present and no members of the press.
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr David Hussein (DH) – apology was accepted for the reason given.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
A member of the public was recording also.
- Cllr Steve Shearman declared an association with EF Pre-School & Recreation Ground Trustee
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
54.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
54.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- Rose Bush memorial – awaiting Cultivation Licence information – Clerk to chase
- Kilnbridge parking issue – awaiting response from PCSO – Clerk to chase
55.1 To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 21/503182/FULL River View, The Priory – Erection of a single storey rear extension with rooms in roof, rendering to existing house elevations. It was AGREED that EFPC recommend APPROVAL provided that MBC comments are observed as per MBC Planning letter dated 2nd June 2021 regards Pre-Application 21/501219/PAPL.
- 21/503053/NMAMD Domus Corrodian, Priory Close – Non-material amendment in relation to planning permission 21/501179/LAWPRO – Noted, no further comments.
- 21/505486/FULL Former Water Pump House – Discharge of Conditions – Noted, no further comments.
55.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 21/501526/LBC The Limes, Lower Road – GRANTED
- 21502089/FULL The Victoria Inn Heath Road – REFUSED
55.3 To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcements issues:
- 21/503272/FULL 6 Little Adelaide Cottages – pending outcome and validation before Enforcement consideration.
- Land Adj. to Willow Wood – no breach of planning and no further action. Clerk to check original planning for riding arena in this location, if necessary.
- Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- Viability report received regards The Victoria Inn – Councillors AGREED to wait to see MBC report.
- Planning Needs Survey – Cllr JW responded.
- Culls Farm, Dean Street; Councillors AGREED to requestan extension of time to comment. Clarification is required re the “Commercial Unit/office building”. Further, it is noted that this is/was Class B1A but it is noted that in 2020, classes A and B were changed to Class E. AGREED that EFPC needs to know if this class change has any significant bearing on this particular planning application/Commercial unit.
Action: Clerk
- Village Maintenance: It was AGREED that ALL Councillors should be keeping an eye on matters in and around the village ie site lines, gullies etc and either inform the Clerk or report directly via the KCC portal for Fault Reports. It was AGREED that the Clerk is to request time schedule for contracted works in more detail.
Action: ALL
57.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk: None.
57.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Hedges /overgrowth/Road Signs: Residents have reported that overgrowth is obscuring some road signs and it is too dangerous for residents to go out into the roads to cut back. Clerk to ascertain who is responsible for clearing overgrowth from road signs. Also, it was noted that any other issues with road signage can be reported direct to KCC Highways via their Fault Report portal.
Action: Clerk/ALL
- A resident had noted that the grass in the Play Area needed cutting. It was reported that this has now been dealt with.
57.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda;
- It was unanimously AGREED that Perry O’Callaghan and Peter Beasley should keep the dedicated EFPC email address as they are still heading up working groups and Speedwatch on behalf of EFPC.
58.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 77
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 39
(includes EFPC Mobile phone top up/Zoom subs/monthly Bank Charge)
58.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories (JW/DH or SS/AP) following the meeting:
06072101 Clerks Salary/ Expenses June 2021(note:5 week pay month) £ 535.62
06072102 L Owen Time Sheet June 2021 £ 156,48
06072103 HMRC Quarterly PAYE/NICs Payment (Apr/May/Jun) £ 220.55
06072104 Kent Police “Operation Scarecrow” £ 1339.69
06072105 Viking (Hand sanitiser for Flood Pod) £ 27.17
06072106 Pearsons Maintenance contract £ 1652.69
06072107 AcuIT Maintenance & Backup £ 69.90
06072108 Internal Auditor’s Inv No.1262 (David Buckett) £ 366.20
58.3 Financial Statements for the period up to 27th June 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 12, 2020/21 were copied to all Councillors.
- Any Other Financial Matters:
- It was unanimously AGREED to continue with “Operation Scarecrow”. It was further AGREED that funds are transferred/EMR created to cover costs up to £5,000.
Action: Clerk/RFO
- Time scale for spending CIL monies and what this money can be used for – deferred until next meeting.
Action: Clerk/RFO
- Virements were APPROVED as follows;
- £2,000 from A/c 4530 MBC LPR Response to 4031 Legal & Professional Costs
Reason: to transfer budget to a more appropriate account
- £600 – Nominal Ledger code 4000 Clerk’s salary to 4006 Clerk’s home allowance
- Internal Auditor’s Report and AGAR section 1 Explanation of Affirmations – APPROVED
- Assistant RFO position; Unanimously AGREED that the Clerk should now sort out a job description and draft employment of contract. Then advertise the position.
- To review and approve the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders.
Action: ALL
- Budgetary Overspend noted and reasons accepted. It was AGREED that further COVID costs should come from another nominal code (Contingency?) as there isn’t likely to be any further significant COVID costs.
- It was AGREED that Cllr SS will liaise with Cllr DH in respect of defibrillator checks when Cllr DH is away.
Action: SS/DH
- Still no information received. Clerk to chase urgently for data report.
- Signage to “Switch OFF Engines” to reduce air pollution; Defer until next meeting pending report from
Cllr DH.
Action: DH/Clerk
- Ongoing
- KALC Dynamic Councillor course: All Councillors are recommended to sign up for this on-line training. Contact the Clerk if you wish to book a place.
Action: ALL
- FLOOD PLAN: no update required.
63.1 Update on car park:
- Cllrs SS/AP reported that the car park is in good order apart some strimming and general works. There is no need for further Aggregate at the present time.
- Car Park Attendant’s Contract of Employment: It was AGREED that the proposal by Cllrs SS/AP should be APPROVED and SS/AP to draw up a revised Contract (to include stipulation that he takes his holiday allowance and observes/understands the Health & Safety requirements regard the tools required to do his job). It was further AGREED that the tools will be held by the Car Park Attendant (CPA) and be under his supervision. It was AGREED that his hours will be set in line with BST/Greenwich Mean Time to account for Summer/Winter hours. He should also be given clear instructions on how to handle the situation when cars are still in the Car Park at closing time. Cllrs SS and AP will meet with the CPA. The Clerk will type up the new Contract for signing.
Action: Cllrs SS, AP & Clerk
63.2 Update on Rec Ground: Good order but strimming needed. It was AGREED that the Container is in need of painting. All AGREED that it would be a good project for the school children. Cllr SS will initiate the project and contact the Head Teacher, Mark Rivers.
Action: Cllr SS
63.3 Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane:
- Area needs strimming but this is/has been done. The Elephant Springer has been repaired and further works are scheduled by Pearsons.
- The MBC Monthly Inspection Report was received.
64.1 HWG: The Terms of Reference for the Highways Working Group were APPROVED. Clerk to add HWG to EFPC Website.
Action: Clerk
64.2 HWG Monthly Report; (incl; HIP/Traffic Calming/Maintenance issues & village pavements)
- Cllr JW to send the new HIP to the Clerk to disseminate to all Cllrs.
- It was noted that the HWG will be arranging another meeting (prior to meeting with KCC Highways -Jennie Watson) for after 12th The HWG will set the Agenda and the Clerk will arrange the meeting.
Action: HWG/Clerk
64.3 Lorry Watch: It was clarified that Lorry Watch is a KCC Scheme/Survey. Cllr AF will produce a report for the next meeting. Cllr AF to send KCC Lorry Watch Scheme info to Cllr JW.
Action: AF
64.4 Speedwatch: EFPC wished to minute their thanks for all the hard work that Peter Beasley has done in coordinating Speedwatch and the Police Speed Check scheme. The monthly Report from PB on these matters were circulated to Cllrs. “Operation Scarecrow” APPROVED item 58.4 subject to review in 3 months’ time.
64.5 Highways Other Matters:
- Station Hill Signage: Discussed under Item 60.
- It was AGREED that the current report form will be circulated to members. It was AGREED that all Cllrs will confirm the footpath numbers they are responsible for, add their observations and report back to the Clerk in time to present the report to the following meeting.
Action: ALL/Clerk
- It was AGREED that the Clerk should contact NETWISE (Website Host) and investigate a password protected section “Councillors only” so that meeting papers can be centrally uploaded instead of included in emails.
Action: Clerk
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Tuesday 7th September 2021 @ 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road
Note: August 2021 – No meeting planned – if needed, it will be Tues 3rd August
Meeting closed at 9.20pm