The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh, Maidstone ME16 9ND T: 07999 414712 E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk www.eastfarleighpc.kentparishes.gov.co.uk
ALL MEMBERS ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the EAST FARLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING, on Tuesday 12th January 2021. The Meeting will commence at 6.45pm, when it is proposed to transact
the business shown on the Agenda below. All meetings are open to the press and public.
Following the Government and Prime Minister’s statement to restrict meetings and gatherings, the meeting will be conducted via video conferencing to discuss only essential matters until meetings can return to normal. All Minutes once approved will be available to the Public.
Please join meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone
Please be sure to use the MUTE if you are not speaking to avoid background noise.
To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given. - 188 RECORDING OF PROCEEDINGS
To ask for notification of whether anyone intends to film, photograph or record any items. - 189 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND LOBBYING
To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest Members may wish to make, relating to any items on the Agenda and to report lobbying. - 190 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC
To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded. - 191 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE
- 191.1 To approve and sign as a correct record of the meeting held on Tuesday 1st December 2020
- 191.2 Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda
192.1 To consider the following planning applications:
• 20/506118/FULL Frith Farm Cottage Dean Street
Erection of single storey rear extension and replacement of existing rear roof dormer windows,
incorporating increase in size. Comments due by: 21/01/21
Link to join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95544081866?pwd=M1A3TENTSXczdEYwcnBtbGJuZHRnQT09
Meeting ID: 955 4408 1866
Passcode: 821534
EFPC Planning Committee Agenda January 2021 Page 1
- 20/505622/FULL 5 Station Hill Cottages Station Hill
Replacement windows together with the creation of 3no.new windows, 1 no. door and 3no. new exterior lights
Comments due by : 26 January 2021 - 20/505486/FULL Former Water Pumphouse at Corner of Dean St and Workhouse Lane Conversion and extension of existing building to create a detached dwelling with associated garden and parking (revised scheme to 19/503730/FULL)
Comments due by: 24/12/20 Extension to comment granted to: 13/01/21 - 20/505620/FULL Orchard Cottage Dean Street
Erection of 2no. single storey rear extensions and insertion of new side window. Comments due by: 13/01/21 - 20/505970/LAWPRO Domus Corrodian Application for a Lawful Development Certificate
192.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 20/505463/PNEXT Bramley House Dean Street
MBC Planning are of the opinion that Permission/Consent is required for the above proposal - 20/504903/FULL Videons Station Hill GRANTED
- 20/504957/OUT Kettle Farmhouse Kettle Lane REFUSED
- 20/504926/FULL Rockwell New Cut GRANTED
- 20/504456/FULL Foxcroft Wilsons Lane GRANTED
- 20/504562/FULL Land rear of 2 Mays Cottages Adj to Lower Road REFUSED
192.3 To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning
enforcement issues:
- ENF/20/500953/LSTBP2 Old School Hall
- ENF/20/500924/CHANGE – change of use of barn at Horseshoes Riding Stables
192.4 Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- 20/506074/SUB The Victoria Inn Heath Road
Submission of details to Discharge Condition 3 (Materials) Condition 4 (Scheme of Landscaping) Condition 7 (Preliminary Ecological Appraisal) and Condition 8 (External Lighting)
Subject to 17/506541/FULL - Late Planning Application:
20/505798/LBC 6 Adelaide Cottages Lower Road
Listed Building Consent for partial demolition of a ragstone wall. Installation of a roof light, erection of a logstore and fencing. (Works completed)
Comments due by: 27 January 2021
• To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
• Tuesday 2nd February 2021 @7pm (Venue or on-line to be advised)
EFPC Planning Committee Agenda January 2021
Page 2