The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st February 2022 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Cllrs Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice Chair), Gina Ashcroft (GA), Angela Howe (AH), David Hussein (DH), Barry Older (BO), Adam Palmer (AP) John Wilson (JW)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), MBC Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid (LPR)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Alex Fullwood (AF), Cllr Simon Webb (SW). Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllr SS – EF Primary School & EF Pre-school/EF Rec Grnd
Cllr AP lobbied re the Closure of Forge Lane
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
209.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record. Cllr JW signed because Cllr SS (Chairing the meeting in absence of Cllr AF) was not present at the January meeting.
209.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- It was noted that the Agenda item 211.4 contained a typing error. It should read “Gallants House”.
- ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – Tuesday 29th March 2022 @7.30pm;
- The Agenda was Agreed.
- It was Agreed that local organisations be invited as previous years. However, it was noted that there is no longer a Farmers’ Market or Gardeners Club.
- It was also Agreed that space in the OSH is limited and invited attendees only should be admitted bearing in mind that COVID-19 variant Omicron infection rates are still high. The Clerk and Cllr SS will look at streaming the meeting live for other interested in joining the APM. It was also Agreed that, for the same reason, there will be no refreshments served.
- The Clerk is to forward previous Chairperson’s Annual Report for reference in producing this year’s Annual Report.
Action: Clerk/Cllr SS/Cllr AF
211 PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
- To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 22/500090/FULL Pear Tree Cottage St Helen’s Lane West Farleigh/Border with East Farleigh. It was unanimously AGREED to support West Farleigh PC in their decision.
- 21/501229/SUB Little Pitchford Dean Street – Submission of details pursuant to condition 6 (Landscape scheme) in relation to planning permission 21/501229/FULL. There were no comments.
- To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 21/505978/FULL Gallants Bungalow Kettle Lane – GRANTED
- 21/505946/SUB Map Business Centre – APPROVED PART A/REFUSED PART B
- To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:
- The report from MBC Planning Enforcement was circulated.
- Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- 21/504422/FULL Gallants House– It was proposed and seconded, unanimously AGREED to leave to delegated powers providing that, conditions as stated, are fully met.
- 22/500385/FULL (resubmission of 21/505497/FULL) Sundowner Charlton Lane – It was unanimously AGREED to support West Farleigh PC in their decision.
- Golding Homes correspondence re redevelopment of Garages in Gallants Lane. It was unanimously Agreed that this matter will be considered once the planning application has been received in the usual manner.
- MBC Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document: No comments.
212.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- Cllr AH attended and reported on the KALC Dynamic Councillors on-line event.
- Cllr GA attended and reported on the KALC Introduction to Planning on-line event.
- Cllr JW attended the following;
- Maidstone Joint Transport Board meeting
- KALC Executive meeting (NALC)
- KALC (Maidstone) meeting on the proposed Boundary Changes.
Action: Cllrs will forward notes to the Clerk for circulation to other EFPC members.
212.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Cllr AH reported that the “Diversion” road sign Lower Road/Dean Street junction is protruding into the road causing an obstruction. Clerk will email Highways to request that road signs be placed with more attention to safety.
Action: Clerk
- Cllr AP reported that vehicles are driving on the grass bank/footpath to avoid road closure on Forge Lane. The matter was reported to Highways/road workers who, informed that the path/bank will repair itself. It was noted that the roadworks have moved to a different location.
212.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda; None.
213.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 38
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 20
(includes Zoom subs/123.Reg/EFPC mobile phone/viking/monthly Bank Charge)
- SO Clerks Salary January 2022 £ 00
- SO Car Park Attendants Salary January 2022 £ 00
213.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories following the meeting: (Authorisation this month: Cllrs SS & JW)
01022201 Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses January 2022 £ 294.61
01022202 L Owen Time Sheet January 2022 £ 235.14
01022203 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup £ 73.25
01022204 Kent Police Operation Scarecrow £1,432.88
01022205 ACRK (Action with Communities in Rural Kent (Subs) £ 90.00
Late Invoice: 01022206 Rialtas RBS End of Year Support/Closedown £ 669.60
213.3 Financial Statements
- To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 26th January 2022 which represent the state of play at the end of week 43, 2021/22.
213.4 Any Other Financial Matters:
- Budget final draft showing amendments agreed at EFPC meeting 11th January 2022 and Precept submitted were noted.
- DEFIBRILLATORS: Cllr DH reported that the zip “carry case” handle is broken on the Gallants Lane Defibrillator. It was agreed/approved that Cllr DH should obtain a quote and, if reasonable, go ahead and make arrangements for repair/replacement as necessary.
Action: cllr DH/Clerk
- TRAINING; Ongoing. Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming events. If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.
Action: ALL
- FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.
- Car Park: Nothing to report.
- Rec Ground: Nothing to Report.
- Play Area: Nothing to report as awaiting further quotes for playground equipment.
Action: Cllr GA
It was agreed that Cllr SS would make safe the broken bench and Cllr BO would replace the broken slats. It was further decided that there needs to be a review of the play areas in East Farleigh (including the MBC maintained one at Gallants Lane and the play area at the end of Adbert Drive))
Action: Cllrs SS/BO/GA
- Monitoring: No reports this month pending final new contract agreement.
Action: Clerk/Cllr SS/Cllr AP
- Contract Renewal: The new revised Contract was discussed. It was proposed and seconded (one abstention) that EFPC sign the new revised contract with Pearsons. This was duly signed by Cllr SS (Vice-Chair) in the absence of Cllr AF (Chair).
Action: Clerk
- Highways Working Group (HWG):
- Cllr DH gave a verbal report of the HWG meeting held on 24th January 2022:
- It was reported that the centre line removed when resurfacing works were carried out to Lower Road, will not be replaced by Highways.
- EFPC are still awaiting a response regards extra “Turn off Engine” signs. Cllr LPR will help chase this matter on behalf of EFPC.
- The HWG will be holding another meeting to discuss outstanding matters and, it was agreed that notes/minutes should be produced with “Action” points for reporting back to EFPC at monthly meetings.
- Public Consultation: The Clerk is awaiting a quote from Hadlums Printers to print hard copies to be distributed to all residents. Revised and final copy to be produced before going to print. Cllr SS is to investigate putting a link to the survey on the EFPC website.
Action: HWG/Cllr SS/Clerk/Cllr LPR
219.2 Highways: Other Matters:
- It was reported that the correspondence generated by Cllr SW did not produce any useful or further information regards HGV’s/lorries or speeding issues.
- The Parish Fault list was received.
219.3 Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.
- A report was received from Peter Beasley and circulated with meeting papers. Peter Beasley will relinquish his role as Speedwatch/Operation Scarecrow coordinator. It was agreed that Operation Scarecrow will continue in April 2022 as per schedule produced by PC James Williams. It was noted that there may be no Speedwatch in the village until a new coordinator can be found. Defer to next meeting.
- Cllr AP contacted the EF Primary School Headteacher and will follow up on joint efforts regards Jubilee Celebration dates/items.
- The WI are “on board” and will supply a “Tea Tent” for the main event. They are also planning a separate WI event to mark the occasion so dates will have to be coordinated – possibly Saturday/Sunday 4th/5th
- It was reported that Gary Hindley is happy to provide the usual “Fete” help.
- It was agreed that the event should be publicized in early March via Website, notice boards, social media etc.
Action: ALL
- COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc); Nothing to report.
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Tuesday 1st March 2022 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm