The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 6th December 2022 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), Steve Shearman (SS) (Vice-Chair), Adam Palmer (AP), Barry Older (BO), David Hussein (DH), Deborah Abbott (DA)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), 5 members of the public & no members of the press.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Gina Webb (GA), Cllr Simon Webb (SA), Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid (LPR), PCSO Nicola Morris, KCC Community Wardens. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.
The Clerk was recording the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.
Cllr SS declared an interest in East Farleigh Pre-School and Cllr DH declared being lobbied about The Bull Inn.
Cllrs agreed that members of the public should retire whilst Cllrs considered their vote on Co-option of two new members. No other items require this and are not relevant.
- CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORS & related matters:
- Pauline Tranter (Cllr PT) and Paul Billanie (Cllr PB) introduced themselves to EFPC. It was voted, seconded, and agreed that both be co-opted as members of East Farleigh Parish Council. Both new members then read out their Declarations of Office which were duly signed and handed to the Clerk with completed and signed co-option forms and DPI’s.
Action: Clerk
148.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
148.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the agenda: None.
- PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
- To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 22/505394/REM Land at Linden Barn Farm Stockett Lane
EFPC previously recommended refusal to application 21/504954/FULL on the grounds of coalescence and building in the Countryside. However, EFPC consider 22/505394/REM for 2 dwellings to be more favourable, although still have concerns re coalescence and buildings in gardens.
Therefore, on this occasion, EFPC recommend approval subject to all conditions being met.
- 22/505340/FULL Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley Lane
EFPC considered this application at the meeting held on 6th December 2022 and recommend approval.
- 22/505333/TPOA The Limes Lower Road
EFPC considered this application at the meeting held on 6th December 2022 and are happy to leave the decision to the TPO.
- 22/505081/FULL Pear Tree Cottage St Helen’s Lane – extension time to comment.
There were no objections and EFPC recommend approval.
- 22/504469/FULL Pleasant Valley Farm Pleasant Valley Lane – extension time to comment
EFPC are generally not in favour of “building in gardens” and prefer any developments to be in keeping with the character of the village. However, EFPC will concede on this occasion given the size of the garden and recommend approval.
- 22/504979/FULL Grey Walls Forge Lane – extension time to comment
There were no objections and EFPC recommend approval.
- To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 22/504441/SUB River View, The Priory – Approved
- 22/504065/LAWPRO The Old Rose Garden Dean Street – Approved
- To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:
- EFPC Councillors wish to have confirmation that Horseshoes Riding School is NOT an enforcement issue and
reasons why. In particular, the concrete base is questionable for an indoor riding arena and that the increased size does not differ from the original planning application. Cllr DA to contact the Enforcement Officer.
Action: DA
- Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- MBC Design & Sustainability Development Plan Document Regulation 18 Consultation – EFPC approved the proposed Parish Council response.
Action: Clerk
150.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc.) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk: None.
150.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- The Bull Inn – It was noted that there have been many concerns raised by residents about several issues with regards to The Bull Inn. Animal welfare has been a major issue. The MBC Animal Welfare Officer requested that any relevant information be confidentially shared. EFPC approved the request.
Councillors agreed to investigate The Right to Buy and, approved to proceed within permitted parameters if this is deemed appropriate.
Action: DH/Clerk
- Horseshoes Riding School – letters have been received regards concerns about the size and build of the barns. The concrete base for a barn pertaining to be for a riding school has been brought into question.
It was agreed that Cllr DA would follow up with MBC Enforcement. See item 149.3 above.
Action: DA
- Gullies & Speeding – These matters will be addressed by the Highways Working Group (HWG). The Clerk is to reply to the resident who raised the concerns.
Action: HWG/Clerk
150.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the agenda;
- MTS Tree Planting Grant – James Clow submitted the proposal/plan for the EF Recreation Ground. This was unanimously approved. It was noted that EFPC already have a “Tree Fund” and it was agreed that there will be a maintenance and watering plan. It was suggested that EF Primary School be asked if they wish to be involved in this as an Environment project for the school children.
Action: AF
- The Cllr ID’s have been purchased by the Clerk and all Cllrs were asked to submit a passport size photo.
Action: Clerk/ALL
- It was reported that the Horse Trough has been planted up for winter. EFPC thanked Cllr AP and Hilary Whibley.
- Any Other Matters – none.
151.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 39
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 37
- SO Clerks salary November 2022 £ 00
- SO L Owen (car park attendant) salary November 2022 £ 20
151.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories following the meeting (this month DH & SS);
06122201 L Owen Time Sheet November 2022 £ 508.25
(Includes extra time car park stones/raking)
06122202 Clerk’s Time Sheet & Expenses November 2022 £ 867.70
(Includes E01-22/NALC National Salary Award backdated to 1st April 2022). 06122203 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & back-up £ 78.56 06122204 Pearsons monthly invoice £1,830.36
06122205 Invicta Weeds – Car Park weed control £ 318.00
06122206 Gallagher Aggregates – car park stones £ 462.00
06122207 Viking Office Supplies (Cllr ID’s/Lanyards) £ 56.26
06122208 Councillor’s expenses (AP) Roadside Traffic Mirror £ 49.99 Late invoice
06122209 Councillor’s expenses (AP) Planting village “Trough” £ 17.95 Late invoice
151.3 Financial Statements
Financial Statements for the period up to 27th November 2022 were received which represent the state of play at the end of week 34, 2022/23
- Any Other Financial Matters:
- Budget 2023/2024
- EFPC considered and approved, in principle, General Reserves and EMR allocations (namely; Highways projects & improvements, Rec ground tree fund, Playground renewal & maintenance and Operation Scarecrow) as follows; –
Highways Projects and Improvements EMR £3,000
Recreation Ground Tree Fund EMR £1,000
Playground renewal & maintenance £2,000
It was noted that Operation Scarecrow is already budgeted in line of expenditure “Speed Checks
- To answer any Councillors emailed questions – done and no more received.
- Budget approved, in principle, prior to being notified of the impact of the Precept on an average property (band D). Precept submission deadline date end January 2023 and it was agreed to make no increase in the Precept request.
- It was suggested that code 4401 be removed as “Bins” not in place and no budget created.
- Clerk/RFO vacancy – it was agreed to advertise the with SLCC gold package (website, Clerk magazine and website) at a cost of £347 incl VAT. Further, to advertise the vacancy with the local Job Centre.
- To note: Double payment to OSH – now refunded.
- To note: Receipt of PSSGRANT2ND22/2.
- DEFIBRILLATORS: It was reported that the batteries have been replaced.
Action: DH
- TRAINING; Ongoing.
- Noted – last Dynamic Cllr Course for 23rd November was cancelled. New online course Thursday 12th January 2023 and Cllrs are requested to let the Clerk know if they wish to attend.
- Playground Inspection Course – The date has been set for 14th February 2023 and the venue will be the EF Primary School. EFPC delegates are Cllrs SS, PB and PT plus the EFPC Car Park Attendant (CPA), Lee Owen. Cllrs are requested to let the Clerk know if they wish to take the exam at the end of the course (extra cost £110 per delegate). The rest of the cost will be split pro-rata depending upon the number of delegates per parish council as other PCs are being asked if they wish to send delegates (maximum 12 for the one-day course).
Action: Clerk/ALL
Note: Cllr PB was excused and left the meeting
- FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.
155.1 Car Park: It was confirmed that the aggregate ordered had been delivered.
Action: CPA
155.2 Recreation Ground: Cllr SS will obtain a quote for the replacement of the football posts. It was agreed that EFPC should request a contribution from the football teams and EF Primary School who use the grounds. Further it was agreed that bookings should remain free.
Action: SS/Clerk
155.3 Play Area: It was agreed that the Play Area Public Consultation should be extended and recirculated to residents. It was further agreed to ask West Farleigh how they obtained villagers comments and what did they consider a valid response?
It was agreed to defer the decision about doing a leaflet drop until the January meeting.
Action: SS/GA/Clerk
155.4 Other Matters: Surface area under the Igloo is in need of repair. Cllr BO to obtain a quote.
Action: BO
Note: Meeting paused 9.30pm and resumed at 9.40pm.
- Monthly worksheets and checks were received.
Action: Clerk/GC
157.1 Highways Working Group (HWG): The monthly HWG report and the new HIP was received.
Action: HWG
157.2 Highways: Other Matters:
- It was reported that the old roadside traffic mirror at the junction of Lower Road/Vicarage Lane on The Bull Inn side of the road has now been replaced with a new mirror.
- KCC Pavements/paths (not PROW): Nothing to report.
- The Parish Fault Report was received.
Action: HWG
- The report was received from Peter Beasley as follows;
Operation Scarecrow
The latest deployment on the 28th November resulted in a reduced number of tickets issued –
2 x 40mph, 1x 41mph, 1x 43mph, 1x44mph and prompted PC James Williams to comment that he ‘’wasn’t sure what was happening but the speedsters seemed to be slowing down which is positive and the results show less tickets being issued’’.
- Councillors were happy with the results of the scheme, and it was proposed & seconded, and agreed that Operation Scarecrow should continue (up to a budget of £5,500pa). This Police speed check scheme will be reviewed annually and to be invoiced quarterly.
Action: PB/Clerk
- PUBLIC FOOT PATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW): nothing to report.
- FETE COMMITTEE: Carols by The Christmas Tree on Saturday 10th December has been publicized. The Fete Committee wish to acknowledge, with thanks, help from Gary Hindley to put up the lights on the tree and Lychgate.
- COMMUNICATIONS: The Clerk is to sort out email addresses and Councillors Area on the EFPC website for the two new Councillors.
- ABSENCES: To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
- It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously agreed that the next meeting is postponed until Tuesday 17th January 2023 @ 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road as a meeting cannot be administered on 3rd January because of Christmas, New Year, and bank/public holidays.
- It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously agreed that, because the Clerk is on leave Thursday 3rd February to Thursday 16th February 2023, the February meeting be cancelled.
The meeting closed at 10.02pm