The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice Chair), John Wilson (JW), David Hussein (DH), Adam Palmer (AP) Cllr Simon Webb (SW), PCSO & 4 members of the public were present. There were no press representatives.
In attendance:Desiree Home (Clerk)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs Barry Older, Gina Ashcroft, Angela Howe. Cllr Lottie Parfit-Reid. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllr SS – East Farleigh Primary School and Pre-School
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
164.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
164.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda: None.
Note: At this point in the meeting the following matters were brought forward to accommodate Cllr SS leaving the meeting because of a previous engagement – Items 166.3 & 172.1/2/3
Cllr SS left the meeting.
Please also note that these matters are reported in these Minutes in numerical order.
- PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
- To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 21/506154/FULL Cherry Lodge Priory Close
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. EFPC Recommend REFUSAL on the grounds that the development will be visible from public areas along Priory Close and Lower Road and by the nature of its size, will have a significant impact on the street scene and the character of the area.
- 21/506075/FULL Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley Lane
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. It was unanimously agreed to recommend APPROVAL.
- 21/505978/FULL Gallants Bungalow Kettle Lane
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. EFPC raise no Objections.
- 21/505679/FULL The Old Rose Garden Dean Street (comments due by 6th Dec, extension granted)
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. It was unanimously agreed that EFPC recommend APPROVAL with conditions as follows;
(a) That, no applications or future works designate the building & annex as two separate buildings.
- Sustainability be considered.
- 21/505652/FULL Lilium Workhouse (comments due by 1st Dec, extension granted)
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. EFPC agreed to recommend APPROVAL.
- 21/505946/SUB Map Business Centre (in relation to 21/500327/FULL)
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. EFPC had no comments to make and recommend APPROVAL,
- 21/506187/TCA Hoplands Lower Road
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. It was agreed to leave the decision to the Tree Officer.
- 21/506169/TCA The Limes Lower Road
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. It was agreed to leave the decision to the Tree Officer.
- To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 21/504954/FULL Land at Linden Farm Stockett Lane – REFUSED
- 21/504718/TCA East Farleigh House Lower Road – No Objections
- 21/505234/FULL 2 Chapel Place Dean Street – GRANTED
- To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:
It was AGREED that before each meeting, the Clerk is to request an update on all outstanding matters to report to Council.
Action: Clerk
- Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- 21/504422/FULL Gallants House Lower Road – Clarification
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021. It was unanimously AGREED that EFPC are happy for this application to go to Planning Committee.
- 21/506090/LBC The Works Farleigh Bridge
EFPC considered this application at the EFPC monthly meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021 and unanimously AGREED that EFPC have no objections.
- LPR Review (SP7 & SP[A] )and Consultaton
It was unanimously AGREED that Cllr JW is to be EFPC’s appointed Cllr to advise and reply on behalf of EFPC in such planning matters, and in particular, the Local Plan Review. LPR Comment APPROVED for Cllr JW to submit, as follows;-“Q4b. Do you consider that the Local Plan Review is Sound?
East Farleigh Parish Council considers that the Local Plan Review is sound but requires clarification:
In the Settlement Hierarchy Review, East Farleigh has been defined as a “Larger Village”. However, the area designated as East Farleigh for this purpose is not the Parish as defined by the Parish boundary.
Policy LPRSP7(A) designates East Farleigh as a “Larger Village” with its village confines defined by the Policies Map on page 19 i.e. a thick black line which the legend on the proposals confirms as “the settlement boundary”. The Policy seeks to focus new development within this settlement boundary.
Outside this defined settlement, and applying to the rest of the Parish, policy LPRSP9 would apply which is a rural restraint policy which states “The countryside is defined as all those parts outside the settlement boundaries …. and Larger Villages with the defined settlement boundaries and is depicted on the policies map.”
This should be clarified in the relevant paragraphs in the Local Plan Review as annotated above in Part 2.1 of this Reg 19 Representation Form.”
Action: Cllr JW
166.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk: None.
166.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Kilnbridge Close – parking issue: It was clarified that in the Highway Code there is a legal difference between “do not” and “must not”. PCSO Megan McLeod agreed to follow up on this matter on behalf of EFPC. It was confirmed that police are at the present time “ticketing” cars parked in inappropriate places or illegally parked and, will look at the situation in Kilnbridge Close.
It was further agreed that the resident who raised the issue should independently report the matter to MBC Highways. It was agreed that the Clerk will reply to the resident accordingly.
Action: PCSO/Clerk
PCSO Megan McLeod left the meeting.
166.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda;
- The Bull Inn publicity signage: It was unanimously AGREED to seek independent legal advice from KALC and to proceed with removal of the sign from The Triangle.
Action: Cllr JW/ALL
- It was AGREED that in the New Year, the Clerk is to follow procedures to Co-opt a Councillor to fill the vacant seat. EFPC are entitled to 9 Parish Councillors, of which at present, only 8 positions are filled.
Action: Cllr AF/Clerk
167.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 67
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 39
(includes EFPC Mobile Phone top-up/RBL Poppy Wreath/Zoom subs/monthly Bank Charge)
- SO Clerks Salary November 2021 £ 00
- SO Car Park Attendants Salary November 2021 £ 00
- MBC Deployment of Diffusion Tubes £ 24
- PKF Littlejohn Audit Fees (late invoice) £ 00
167.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories following the meeting: (Authorisation this month: Cllrs JW & AP)
07122101 Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses November 2021 £ 328.48
07122102 L Owen Time Sheet November 2021 £ 231.66
07122103 Pearsons – monthly contract/works £ 1652.69
07122104 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup £ 69.90
07122105 Westcotec – Blue tooth/SIDs £ 732.00
07122106 NetwiseUK – Website hosting, support & Maint. £ 360.00
07122107 Viking Office Supplies (stationery, filing supplies etc) £ 59.36
Late invoices: 07122108 Play Inspection Co. Annual Ins (Came&Co insurance) £ 83.40
07122109 E-on street lighting charge 01/10/21 to 30/11/21 £ 11.32
167.3 Financial Statements
- To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 29th November 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 34, 2020/21
167.4 Any Other Financial Matters:
- Budget 2022-2023 3rd Draft & accompanying notes – deferred until January 2022 meeting.
- APPROVED – RBS Rialtas Year End Services/RBS 3-year Loyalty Scheme.
- Noted: Receipt of CIL money £911.17
- Noted: Additional insurance cover for mowers, strimmers etc added to Insurance policy.
- DEFIBRILLATORS: It was agreed that there should be a map on the website pinpointing the location of the village defibrillators. Further, it was agreed that a sign should be placed on the Notice Board outside the OSH as it is not immediately obvious where this particular defibrillator is located.
Action: Clerk
- DIFUSSION TUBES: It was noted that an update on data had been received and AGREED that it showed nothing conclusive. It was further unanimously AGREED not to continue with this scheme.
- TRAINING; Ongoing. Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming events.
Action: ALL
- FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): It was noted and unanimously AGREED that the Flood Pod should be/has been removed from The Bull Inn car park. It was approved by the Diocese that this is now located in the East Farleigh Parish Church grounds (just inside the grounds to the right of the Lychgate).
- Car Park: It was reported that the Car Park Attendant’s contract has now been amended and
agreed. This has been signed by all required parties and there will be a 3-month review. It was further
reported that the Car Park Attendant has been instructed to lay more stones to even out the car park
Action: Cllr SS
- Rec Ground: Nothing to Report. However, it was noted that the EF Primary School Board of
Governors have agreed with Highways that the path in front of the school will go ahead despite there being access via the Rec Grnd gateway. It was noted that KCC are part-funding.
The Clerk is to report back to Council at the next meeting on EFPC’s previous comment regarding this issue.
Action: Clerk
- Play Area: It was reported and noted that Cllr GA is obtaining quotes for repairs of the swings and
replacing the broken bench, and other items. All AGREED that these repairs should be carried out asap up
to a value of £891 for the bench and £200 for the swings.
Action: Cllr GA
- Monitoring: No report this month but it was AGREED that monthly monitoring be adhered to within the terms of any new contract and regular reports produced for Council as requested.
Action: Clerk/Cllr SS/Cllr AP
- Contract Renewal: It was unanimously AGREED to renew the contract with Pearsons, pending confirmation of the terms and conditions (as per previous contract).
Action: Clerk
- Highways Working Group (HWG):
- Public Consultation – It was confirmed that Cllr SW is supporting EFPC’s efforts to lobby Highways for a review of the current speed limits (and other matters) as indicated in the Public Consultation paper to be published and leaflet drop in early 2022 – dates to be confirmed. The format of the Public Consultation questionnaire was AGREED.
- It was AGREED that Cllr DH will join the HWG and look at fine tuning written reports to present to
EF meetings. Any suggested draft reports will be presented to Council for approval.
Action: HWG/Cllr DH/Clerk
174.2 Lorry Watch: Suspended at this present time.
174.3 Highways: Other Matters:
- It was reported that the lines have still not been replaced following resurfacing works on Lower
Road. Cllr DH will chase Highways on this matter.
Action: Cllr DH
174.4 Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); update – Nothing to report.
175 SPEEDWATCH: A brief update was received.
- FETE COMMITTEE – XMAS TREE/CAROLS: Cllr AP confirmed that the Carols round the Christmas Tree is organised for Sunday 12th December at East Farleigh Parish Church at 5pm. All Welcome. The poster to publish the event will be on Notice Boards, EFPC Website and Social Media.
Action: Cllr AP/Clerk
178 QUEEN’S GREEN CANOPY: Deferred until next meeting.
- COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc); Nothing to report.
- Reclycling request from Maidstone Lions Club – EFPC are happy to support any initiative but
cannot offer any facilities. If MLC can sort the drop-off/collection of recycled items then, EFPC are agreeable to provide support in other ways such as, advertising and publicity. Clerk to reply to MLC.
- Kent Resilience Hub – It was AGREED to help publicise the services provided regards support with
Mental Health issues, ReConnect Kent Children & Young People, funding for local community projects and other support for parents, children and young adults. Clerk to reply to KRH.
Action: Clerk
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Tuesday 11th January 2022 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm