The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 3rd August 2021 @ 7.00pm
In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh
Present: Cllrs John Wilson (JW)(Chair), Alex Fullwood (AF)(Vice Chair), David Hussein (DH), Adam Palmer (AP),
Steve Shearman (SS), Angela Howe (AH), Barry Older (BO)
One member of the public was present and no members of the press.
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk)
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
A member of the public was recording also.
- Cllr Steve Shearman declared an association with EF Pre-School, EF Primary School & Recreation Ground Trustee
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
74.1 The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
74.2 Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda: None.
- PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal https://pa.midkent.gov.uk/
75.1 To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
- 21/503272/FULL 6 Adelaide Cottages Lower Road; Retrospective application for demolition of shed, low level boundary wall. Erection of log store, replacement fencing, creation of hard standing for 1no. vehicles and extension to drop kerb.
EFPC recommends REFUSAL for the following reasons:
1. The property is within a Conservation Area which is intended to retain the character of the area. This includes the protection of such things as ragstone walls, which should be preserved. The ragstone wall which has been removed by the owner must be replaced and maintained as detailed in the minutes of the Council in January 2021 and reported to the Planning Department.
2. There are strict rules on visibility and sight lines when creating new vehicle access onto roads. There are legal criteria laid down concerning workable lawful access and visibility splays. This application does not meet those criteria.
As a general comment, it is an omission in procedure that there has been no input from the MBC Conservation Officer nor KCC Highways for this application and this should be obtained before any decision is made.
- 20/505876//|LBC the Works Farleigh Bridge: Listed building consent for alterations AND 20/505875/FULL the Works Farleigh Bridge: Alterations to fenestration and doors, creation of rear steps to balconies and erection of second floor roof extension to provide additional office space. EFPC considered these applications because any restrictions to the Bridge or increase in traffic directly impact on Station Hill and Lower Road East Farleigh.
EFPC concur with the Barming PC Comments, recommending that conditions be applied accordingly.
- 21/503699/FULL Greenway Dean Street: Demolition of the conservatory. Erection of a single
storey rear extension. It was unanimously agreed that EFPC recommend APPROVAL.
75.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 21/502902/SUB the Former Pumping Station Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (Materials) and 5 (Landscape Scheme) in relation to planning permission 20/505486/FULL – APPROVED
- To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcements issues: None.
- Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
- Culls Farm Dean Street- to note; Application PERMITTED and reported to MBC Planning Committee on 22nd July 2021
- Lockmeadow Leisure Complesx – for information; Application permitted and reported to MBC Planning Committee on 22nd July 2021.
- APP/U2235/W/21/3269283 Appeal Lodged – Proposal: Erection of 1no. single storey dwelling together with a car barn (part retrospective) and associated garden, access, land scaping and other works. Land Rear Of 2 Mays Cottages Adj to Lower Road East Farleigh. EFPC recommend REFUSAL but it is noted that foundations are already marked out/works commencing and EFPC AGREED that they wish MBC Planning to investigate. All AGREED that EFPC comments re 20/504562/FULL are still valid.
Action: Clerk to report to MBC Planning.
- Hideaway Lower Road; It was noted that there is significant building works being carried out but no Planning Application has been seen.
Action: Clerk to report to MBC Planning.
76.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- The Clerk reported attending a KALC on-line workshop regards Cyber Security. The Good Councillors Guide to Cyber Security was distributed to EFPC Councillors.
76.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Cllr AF reported a concern from a resident in Dean Street regards a serious HGV incident. It was noted that “A Day of Action” is not appropriate as all HGV notices in Dean Street are “Advisory” and not regulatory, as in Leeds village which does have such legal restrictions. It was AGREED to respond appropriately to the resident. Cllr JW will reply.
Action: JW
76.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda;
- The Mayor’s Court of Survey “Swan Upping”. All invited to attend on Saturday 7th August where the Mayor will be greeted at East Farleigh Lock by EFPC Chairman, Cllr JW, and presented with a basket of flowers.
- It was AGREED that the Open Forum at the beginning of EFPC Meetings will be reinstated now that COVID restrictions have been lifted.
77.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
- Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 94
- Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £ 39
(includes Zoom subs/monthly Bank Charge)
77.2 The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking
by 2 signatories (JW/DH) following the meeting:
03082101 Clerks Salary & Expenses July 2021 £ 366.23
03082102 L Owen Time Sheet July 2021 £ 265.48
03082103 Cllr DH Exp (Batteries for torch in Defib pack) £ 6.53
03082104 Cllr DH Exp (brushes/varnish for bridge sign) £ 23.95
03082105 Cllr DH Exp (Sandpaper for bridge sign) £ 6.30
03082106 Eon Quarterly Charge £ 14,70
03082107 Pearsons – play area Springer Elephant repair £ 204.00
03082108 Pearsons – play area play towers repair £ 252.00
03082109 Pearsons – monthly contract/works £ 1652.69
03082110 AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup £ 69.90
Received Late: 03082111 Commercial Services (Landscapes) Rec Grnd £ 350.16
- Financial Statements for the period up to 26th July 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 16, 2020/21 were copied to all Councillors.
- Any Other Financial Matters:
- To note: ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) Annual subs paid, and certificate received.
- Clerk to chase UTB as Cllrs SS & AP have still not received log-in details as signatories on EFPC accounts (Signatories AGREED, Minute Item 16 of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 18th May 2021).
Action: Clerk
- Cllr DH circulated updated report. Cllrs DH & SS are still to arrange a meeting.
Action: DH/SS
- Still no information received. Cllr JW will take up the issue.
Action: JW
- Signage to “Switch OFF Engines” to reduce air pollution; Cllr DH has investigated and all AGREED that signs should be repeated at strategic places. It was noted that newer car models do have “Engine switch off facility” when stopped for any length of time. It was AGREED that enquiry should be made to investigate whether these extra signs could be funded by KCC Highways – as this strongly relates to air quality monitoring because Diffusion Tubes are at this
Action: DH
80 TRAINING; Ongoing
Action: ALL
- FLOOD PLAN: no update required.
82.1 Update on car park:
- Cllrs SS had a meeting with the Car Park Attendant (CPA) and will be drawing up a revised Contract of Employment. CPA Agreed and noted EFPC expectations of the CPA.
Action: SS/AP
82.2 Update on Rec Ground:
- Deferred: Cllr SS will initiate the “container painting project” and contact the Head Teacher, Mark Rivers
Action: Cllr SS
82.3 Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane:
- MBC Monthly Playground report received and nothing else to report.
83.1 HWG Monthly Report;
- Cllr AF read out an updated report and it was noted that a date is still to be set for the next meeting with KCC Highways (Jennie Watson). Clerk has contacted Highways to arrange meeting.
Action: Clerk/HWG
- It was proposed, seconded and unanimously AGREED that the SID’s should be upgraded to blue-tooth connection at a cost of £610 and data be available to all Cllrs. Cllr JW and Clerk to investigate what funds are available from CIL money and the timescale limits for spending of CIL money. This is to be reported under “Finance; Other Matters” as and when CIL money is due.
- HWG to take forward to the next HWG/KCC Highways meeting, the “surface wear” problem of the Traffic Calming Scheme.
Action: HWG/JW/Clerk
83.2 Lorry Watch:
- Cllr AF circulated the form that is sent to KCC Highways.
- Cllr JW volunteered to take some shifts on Lorry Watch. Cllr JW also confirmed concerns that more HGV’s are causing problems in the village. It was noted that current “Diversions” regards impending road closures are totally unsuitable for HGV’s – take forward to next meeting.
Action: AF/JW
83.3 Highways Other Matters:
- As previously AGREED, Perry O’Callaghan (POC) will “head-up” the HWG. However, it was unanimously AGREED that a Cllr should “Chair” the meetings with Highways – Cllr AF.
- It was AGREED that in future, there should be a written monthly report to Council.
Action: HWG/POC/AF
- To receive KCC Monthly Parish Fault Report.
- “Turn off Engine Signs” see item 79 Diffusion Tubes (air quality monitoring) above.
- An updated report was received from Peter Beasley (PB) and circulated to Cllrs. New dates for “Operation Scarecrow” will be advised when information is available.
- All Cllrs are to continue walking their allocated “KM” Footpaths (Public Rights of Way) and send comments to the Clerk for the Monthly Footpath Report. The Clerk will then report problems to PROW – although, Cllrs can report directly to PROW if they wish but please let the Clerk know if you have submitted a direct report.
- All village PAVEMENTS under jurisdiction of KCC Highways/adopted by KCC Highways (NOT PROW) will be reported to Claire Chewter. These Highways pavements will be reported under a separate heading within “Highways” from now on. This includes overgrown hedges etc that are blocking public pavements/carriageways.
Action: ALL/Clerk
- Community Resilience/Emergency Plans Questionnaire; Deferred until next meeting.
- The new Councillors Area on the Website is now up and running.
Action: JW
- There is now some confusion about the situation regards the PCSO for East Farleigh. The Clerk will ask Cllr Simon Webb to follow up.
Action: Clerk
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk;
- Cllr SS is away last week of August.
- The Clerk is away for 2 weeks Annual Leave at the end of August and so, the office will be closed from close of work (1pm) on Thursday 12th August until after the Bank Holiday, at 9am on Tuesday 31st August 2021.
It was AGREED to change the date from Tuesday 7th September to Tuesday 14th September 2021 @ 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road. This is because the Clerk’s annual leave does not allow time to prepare for the earlier date.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm