The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,
Maidstone ME16 9ND
T: 07999 414712
E: clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th April 2021 @ 7.15pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 996 8956 6246
Present: Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC)(Chair); Peter Beasley (PB); Perry O’Callaghan (POC); Alan White (AW);
Lloyd Porter (LP); David Hussein (DH); Alex Fullwood (AF); Brian Dorton (BD)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk); John Wilson (JW); Cllr Richard Webb (RW); Simon Webb (SW)
298 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllr LP was recording.
- Cllrs GC & PB – JBLC & EFRG
- Cllr AW – JBLC
- Cllr LP – FB & Traffic Calming & lobbying re: EF Vicarage Lane Play Area
- Cllr LP declared lobbying in respect of item 305.2 and item 317.
- Cllr DH declared lobbying regards Gallants Lane Memorial & rose bush in memory of Paul Dunmill.
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
302 REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (See EFPC Planning Committee Minutes April 2021 for Planning Committee comments)
- 7 Applications received: 21/500917/FULL Riverdale St Helen’s Lane West Farleigh (Consultee comment as it is on the border of East Farleigh): 21/501229/FULL Little Pitchford Dean Street; 21/501106/TPOA Mersey Priory Close; 21/501058/TCA The Covers Lower Road; 21/501179/LAWPRO Domus Corrodian Priory Close;
21/501405/SUB Cuckoo Farm Wilsons Lane; 21/501032/SUB The Victoria Inn Heath Road
(Note: Cllr AW joined the meeting)
- 7 notifications of planning decisions received: 21/500247/FULL The View Lower Road; GRANTED.
20/506161/FULL Follys End Heath Road; GRANTED. 21/500327/FULL Map Business Centre Lower Road; GRANTED. 20/500803/SUB Cuckoo Farm; Discharge Conditions 2 and 3, APPROVED subject to 19/505241/FULL. 21/500349/PNQCLA Homelands Farm Dean Street: Prior Notification GRANTED.
21/500431/SUB 2 Mays Cottages: Submission to discharge conditions 3,4 & 6 APPROVED.
21/501032/SUB 2 Mays Cottages: Submission to discharge conditions 4 & 7 APPROVED.
- Notification of any enforcement issues since the last meeting: ENF Ref 20/500645 6 Adelaide Cottages Lower Road
- Other Planning: Cllr Richard Webb reported on the development in Heath Road.
304 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021.
304.1 The Minutes of the meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.
304.2 Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- It was AGREED (2 abstentions) to get Pearsons to plant and maintain a rose bush in memory of Paul Dunmill at the proposed site in Gallants Lane on the land next to the post box in the wall.
Action: Cllr DH
- There were no other matters arising.
305.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
- The Clerk attended an on-line session regards AGAR & Year End.
305.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- Cllr LP was lobbied regards signs requesting people to turn off engines whilst waiting at the level crossing/bridge but it is felt that more signs are needed, especially down Station Hill when the traffic is backed-up. It was agreed to carry this forward for the new Council as elections are imminent. It was noted that there is pollution monitoring at this location.
305.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda: None.
- No further information at this time. It was noted that there are 9 allocated elected places for East Farleigh Parish Council. There needs to be 5 to form a Parish Council and to be quorate at meetings, there needs to be 3 elected Councillors present.
- The Annual Parish Meeting on went ahead on Tuesday 30th March on-line and several reports were received. Some local organisations/committees joined the meeting and reported at the meeting.
- At this time, there is no further information as to whether future meetings will be virtual/in person or a combination of both. The Clerk reported that SLCC conducted a survey regards parish council thoughts on virtual meetings. The Clerk responded on behalf of EFPC and sent a copy of EFPC’s letter to Helen Grant MP. Further the Government (KALC/NALC latest newsletter) has requested feedback/formal consultation regards this issue. Clerk & Cllr GC to follow up on this matter.
- Proposal: Move the Annual Meeting to Tuesday 18th May 2021 to give time after the Parish Council Elections. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously AGREED.
Action: CLERK/GC/new Parish Council
308.1 Section 101 Delegation of Powers – as per Extraordinary Meeting held on 25th March 2020; unanimously AGREED.
308.2 Statement of Internal Control 2021; unanimously AGREED.
308.3 Risk Assessment 2021; unanimously AGREED.
308.4 Any other matters; It was noted that all resigning Councillors need to adhere to the Policy regards leaving the role as Councillor ie email information/email addresses etc.
Action: ALL
309.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting:
Standing Order Clerk’s Salary March 2021 £ 600.00
Standing Order Car Park Attendant’s Salary March 2021 £ 136.00
Direct Debit Lloyds Multipay Credit card £ 319.96 includes: 123Reg Subs/Zoom monthly charge/Monthly Bank Charge/Hadlum
Printers Election Flyer/EFPC Mobile top up/equipment – car park attendant
Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 71.16
Commercial Services Grounds Maintenance Invoice LS198210 £ 42.49
Hadlum Printers – Chairman’s Annual Report £ 80.00
Gallagher Aggregates – 2 loads @ £334.80 (inv nos 1156297 & 1154887) £ 669.60
(Note: to utilise Car Park Maintenance grant money prior to year end)
309.2 To resolve that cheques and BACS transfers presented this month be authorised and signed by two signatories: (Cllrs GC/AW)
06042101 HMRC Quarterly NIC payment £ 276.22
06042102 Clerks Salary & Expenses March 2021 £ 458.27
06042103 L Owen March Time Sheet £ 287.76
06042104 Pearsons Maintenance Contract £ 1652.69
06042105 AcuIT Maintenance & Back-up £ 69.90
06042106 KALC/NALC Membership 2021-22 £ 643.49
(Note: Late invoice received after papers sent & read out at meeting & unanimously AGREED) 309.3 To receive the financial statements for the period up to 28th March 2021.
These represent the state of play at the end of Week 51, 2020-21. It was confirmed that the total Reserves will be same as the bank statement the only variance is VAT. These are split over different nominal codes and this will be updated at end of year prodedure.
- Any other financial matters:
- APPROVED Landscape Services quote (regular mowing of £ 60
the Rec ground – 16 occasions per mowing season)
- APPROVED Pearsons quote for playground repairs £ various + VAT
(refer to quote for individual items – unanimously AGREED all items)
- APPROVED Pearsons quote for EF sign/gate painting £ 00 + VAT
(unanimously AGREED)
- Noted: MBC confirmation of EFPC Precept 2021/22
- Noted: Certificate of Annual Membership ACRK received
- Replacement of disposable/first aid items to be dealt with under delegated powers. Unanimously AGREED.
Action: Cllr PB
- No information received. Cllr RW was asked to chase for report.
Action: Cllr RW
- Ongoing
- It was reported that the Flood Pod has been checked, all is OK but new sanitizer needs to be ordered.
Action: CLERK/Cllr DH
- There has been no CWP meeting.
- It was reported that the Website is now up and running. The Clerk is maintaining the website.
Action: CLERK
315.1 Update on car park:
- Hedge Cutting: Proposed agreement between the land-owner and EFPC was circulated. It was noted that the EFPC address and spelling needs amendment. It was unanimously AGREED that Cllr GC and a witness meet with the land-owner to sign the Agreement (observing COVID safety guidelines).
- There was nothing further to report on the village car park.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- Update on Rec Ground: All is in order. However, the EFPC Strimmer is now broken. It was unanimously AGREED with no objections that, a new strimmer be purchased (approx. £160) to replace “like for like”.
Action: Cllr PB/CLERK
315.3 Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane:
- Repairs approved as per Pearsons quote (see Item 309.4 Finance – Other Financial matters)
- There was nothing further to report on the VL play area.
316.1 Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan:
- The EFPC meeting with Highways: The minutes/notes from the meeting were circulated and noted. A wider diversion route for HGV’s has been requested. The Lower Road Speed improvement will be addressed as will wear and tear issues. Highways have AGREED to carry out 8 new speed surveys. All matters on the HIP have been updated.
- Highways will be putting a new gate to replace the one damaged in the traffic collision.
- Village Pavements; It was reported that there has been work done but more needs doing. EFPC should monitor the situation. It was reported that there has been no response from The Cambridge Trust regards the ragstone wall in Lower Road.
- The Parish Fault Report was circulated.
316.2 Speedwatch Update:
- Speedwatch was deployed on the first day allowed following easing of COVID restrictions and 16 vehicles were recorded in excess of 35mph. These were logged and reported to the police.
- The Police speed checking (Operation Scarecrow) has proved successful. Three tickets were issued in Lower Road and four tickets issued in Dean Street. A good quantity of warnings were issued. No invoice for the police speed watch scheme has been received yet. The next police speed check is scheduled for April, which will be the first afternoon deployments.
- The SID is now working well having been updated and upgraded.
Action: CLERK/PB
316.3 Highways: Other Matters:
- Speedwatch was hindered by vehicles parking on the corner of Kilnbridge Drive. Cllr PB declared lobbying regards vehicles parking on the corner but, it is noted that the bollards are in wrong place. It was AGREED that EFPC should contact the PCSO to investigate the alleged “illegal” parking and follow up with the owner of one particular re-offending vehicle. It was further agreed to reply to the correspondence from a resident in Kilnbridge Drive re the parking problems.
- It was suggested that maybe the new Council should consider replacement bollards.
Action: CLERK/PB/new Parish Council
- KM42 the bank is eroding. PROW Officer will be meeting with Cllr AW to look at the problem and decide whether the footpath needs to be shut.
- Cllr LP reported lobbying about KM32/33 being illegally closed/blocked. Cllr RW reported that this has been investigated. The notice is unofficial, PROW have been informed and will deal with the matter.
318 OLD SCHOOL HALL – Update, if any: None
319 FETE – Update
- It has been confirmed that there will be no Village Fete until 2022.
- As per item 316.3, it was agreed to reply to the resident regards parking on the corner of Kilnbridge Drive. It was further reported that a temporary replacement for PCSO has been put in place (PC Caroline Honeysett). Cllr RW has offered to kindly follow up with her on the matter of parking. Cllr RW will also let the CLERK know if this is the correct contact for further PCSO matters.
- It was AGREED that a letter should be sent to the Police Commissioner because EFPC feel that the village is being let down and, that there is a lack of police support since PCSO Paul Vasey was re-assigned.
- Various letters of “Thanks” have been received regards the latest EFPC Section 137 Donations.
To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
Tuesday 18th May 2021 ANNUAL MEETING @ 7.00pm (Venue or on-line to be advised)
Meeting closed at 8.35pm