EAST FARLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL are allocated 9 (Nine) Councillor seats. There is one vacancy remaining after the Elections in May 2020 and two further vacancies because of Councillor resignations.
Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for election. Make a change and become a councillor.
4 thoughts on “Councillor Vacancies”
Pauline Tranter
Interested re East Farleigh Parish Council and recent vacancies.
Dear Pauline – Thank you for your interest in being a Councillor. Please email the clerk on “clerk@eastfarleigh-pc.gov.uk” who will be able to send you more information. Also, you are welcome to attend the next EFPC meeting to meet existing Councillors and see what is involved in being a Councillor. The next EFPC meeting is on Tuesday 1st November 2022 at 7pm in the Old School Hall on Lower Road, East Farleigh.
We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting.
Pauline Tranter
Thank you for your reply and thank you too for the invitation to attend the meeting 1st November to learn more about the “life of a village councillor “.
Pauline Tranter
Thank you for your reply re the Councillor Vacancies – interested to learn more and thank you too for the invitation to attend the meeting 1st November.