East Farleigh Parish Council
East Farleigh Parish Council
Maidstone, Kent
Welcome to East Farleigh Parish Council
We are the first tier of local government, closest to the people that live in our village. Responsible for most local matters such as –
-Representing the electorate of the Parish as a whole.
-Delivering services to meet local needs.
-Cherishing our history and historic monuments.
-Keeping residents informed.
-Striving to improve quality of life in the parish
Within our legal powers we are also responsible for matters such as traffic related issues, litter bins , footpaths and the general maintenance of public space. We also review and comment on planning matters.
The Council raises a sum of money, called a “precept”, which is collected with the Council tax each year. This is used to fund these activities, and to maintain and improve facilities and services for the Parish.
East Farleigh Parish Council meet monthly. The meetings always start with a public session allowing members of the Parish to attend and raise items of interest or concern. We look forward to seeing you there.
Parish Councillors are elected every four years. If you are interested in finding out how to become a Councillor please contact our Clerk who will be happy to provide details.

Latest News
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Contact The Council
We would love to hear your feedback about any issues concerning you. Please visit our contact page to get in touch.
Meet The Councillors
Meet the Councillors, view contact information and the Councillor’s Register of Interests.
Upcoming Events
Checkout all the upcoming events in our locality. Get involved with your local community. Click the link below to find out more.
Recent Documents
View and download recent documents including agendas, minutes and financial reports.
Community Gallery
Resident or visitors are welcome to view our beautiful local area in our gallery section